Sep 22, 2009 23:02
I need a forest fire in my mind to clean out the underbrush that has cluttered my thoughts. Would that be considered arson if it left me a new person? Would I become a new person if I wiped out some of those old memories? What would people think? I just wonder if I would be me any more, I mean I am sure that I would be. There are plenty of things that happened in my past that I could do with out. I think the only true way to move on is to just wipe clean some of the old chalk boards that fill the classrooms of my life. meh. I'll be me.
What about a flash flood to clear my soul? That is one thing I think could probably be for the best, that couldn't possibly cause pain or hurt. What have I become? What is my faith? I have nothing to follow.. nothing to preach. I am not even sure what I should really believe. I have become lazy in my spiritual growth, I put it on hold along with my life in the civilian world. But the soul is not something that one can just place on the hangar in the closet when it is no longer in season. If you leave it in that closet the moths will inevitably eat it to pieces. You come back 4 years later looking for it and it is just shreds of what it once was. I will work on finding myself here, I am the lost sheep. its not that I don't believe in God, I do, I just choose not to believe in your god. For now I will be my own shepard.