(no subject)

Nov 20, 2006 00:02

So I was home for a change and watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
Then the unthinkable happened: I saw the trailer for OoTP! What the hell? I was absolutely bouncing off the walls. And is it only me or does Dan Radcliff get more and more ugly with every film I see? His hair! It's horrible! And his face! I just want to go up and smash it in, every time I see it. I just hope his acting "skills" get a bit better in this movie.

Sadly I didn't see even one whit of Tom Felton in the trailer. Does anyone know, whether he will be in the movie? I do hope so. I absolutely have to look up a site with info on that... and maybe some pics. Does anyone know, whether the WB site has anything on that, yet?

In other news: I finally have a working laptop with w-lan access. Finally I can catch up on the fanfiction I missed, when I'm in Berlin. And I even found someone to squee over my favorite works with. That's so cool.

Now I have to pack my bag for the track to "de Berlin-City" tomorrow. I'm so excited about breaking my laptop in and watching the third and fourth part on dvd, while anticipating the fith part next year.

*goes to bed*
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