most recent season of Grey's Anatomy blather

Jun 19, 2011 20:50

I don't know what my deal is, but I am incapable at talking about TV shows in a timely manner.

Unlike with so many other things that I watch way after the fact, I do actually watch Grey's Anatomy as it airs.

This gif got me thinking about the show:

ily, tumblr

I was waiting and waiting, all season long. Laura, I said. Laura, it's okay. Cristina will divorce the ginger by the end of the season. She will move on to better things. Don't worry, Laura. Things are going to be okay.

But in the meantime I was all, >:(

I like Owen as, like, a human being or a person or whatever. BUT I DON'T LIKE OWEN AND CRISTINA AND THANK GOD THEY ARE FINALLY OVER.


Owen's super cool as a trauma surgeon but 1. everything to do with him and Teddy was boring as fuck. 2. HE TOTALLY PREYED ON CRISTINA'S WEAKNESS (AKA PTSD) AND TRICKED HER INTO MARRYING HIM. 3. He knew, HE KNEW, that Cristina did not want to have children.

And then my rage gets away with me a little bit.

I know they're trying to show it as something where you can understand where both of the characters are coming from, but OWEN CANNOT MAKE HER HAVE A BABY, CRISTINA NEEDS BETTER THINGS THAN HIM.

I actually loved the season finale. Meredith alone with her new adopted daughter. How she was talking to her, oh my god. When I rewatched the series last summer, I realized that everyone who thinks that Meredith was annoying (including past!me) is wrong and actually she is the greatest and also very brave. That was the thing in the finale, she was so brave, ;__________;

And Derick does go off on his mopey little black/white emo indulgences, I think this ridiculousness of him abandoning her is totally in character.

I think the thing that was the biggest disappointment for me in the season was the Callie/Arizona arc. I totally loved them! For the first how ever many years. But ARIZONA SAID THAT SHE DID NOT WANT TO HAVE A CHILD. THAT WAS A LEGITIMATE REASON TO BREAK UP. You know how when you love someone and you FOR REALZ need to break up, but then you get back together and it's like, I'm sure that original magic will come back, but it will not come back. It's like when you eat twenty pounds of sushi and you're like, I am so full right now I want to throw up my entire stomach as well as every other organ in my body, and then tomorrow maybe there's still some left over sushi but you will still want to barf your kidneys out if you eat it because that sushi train has sailed away.

The Callie/Arizona train totally sailed away.


And then they got married and it was all, okay i guess this is nice but i don't even want you to be dating anymore.

My other complaint was involving the whole musical episode.

You guys, do you know how excited I was about that? For weeks. Excitement.

But the one thing that totally drives me crazy is when people act like a song is about [x] just because it has [x] word in it. 2 a.m. (breathe) technically has the word breathe in it. It even has the word breathe in the title. But it is not about breathing. It is about getting an abortion.

Having a scene where the whole lead up is Lexie saying, "Breathe," over and over again DID NOT MEAN IT MADE SENSE FOR HER TO SING THAT SONG TO MARK.

That's something that will happen on Glee, and it drives me up the wall. Like in the first season when Rachel had a crush on Will for like three nanoseconds and she sang Crush by Jennifer Paige. Which, problem number one, was my favorite song in the entire world OF ALL TIME for about three months when I was in grade seven. But, also, that song is about how it's just a crush, ie. just some little thing, ie. she does not faint every time they touch. AKA, not about having a crush so much as it is about diminishing the importance of said romantic feelings.

Deal with how wrong it was for them to have used that song, omg. It doesn't take a scientist to know what was going on there, but I am pretty sure I just scientifically proved that Ryan Murphy does not know what he is doing.

Anyway, that's basically ALL THEY DID IN THE MUSICAL EPISODE and I was like, it's going to be hard for them to ruin this for me, and they didn't ruin it, but they tried pretty hard.

The extra worst part is that they released the songs in the morning, so I had already listened to them all and come up with really awesome story lines for what would be going on with the characters to put the songs into a context. Owen was going to be singing about him and Cristina. Not LITERALLY ABOUT OPERATING, OMG, WTF, OMG, STOP.

Wait was going to be about Bailey pushing hot nurse man away, not about... having an excuse to have Chandra Wilson sing, but that's okay, I guess, because of how she causes earthquakes of amazingness when she sings.

Anyway, basically, though, it would be good if not everyone on Grey's Anatomy where married with kids. I realize the show has been on for a lot of years now and there has to be character growth, but I feel like I am not growing as fast as the characters are growing. They need to be single and trying to figure out wtf is going on with their lives again. That is how far I have grown. We need to be back in season one.

I might need to find a new show to watch.

But that gif of Cristina saying NO is the greatest ever because, finally.

There you have it. I just store up all of these feelings and then explode them all in your general directions. By "you", I mean the three people who actually read this thing all the way through. What up, guys? I hope you are having a lovely Sunday evening.

tv is for watching

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