that time I saw some discos

Jun 12, 2011 21:35

So! fitofpique and I went to a concert. A concert where these small Disco boys played. And also fun. (who Tara was the most excited about) and Foxy Shazam (who I ended up loving).

I took some videos at the concert and now I feel all shy to post them because they're pretty crap compared to most people's videos. I have inadequate-video insecurity. But I've spent these last, what has it been, three years? Four? (four years and three months, actually) cultivating a lack of shame about posting things that are wholly inadequate to the internet, so here are some videos. (Partly they're terrible because Tara kept shaking me, JSYK. Definitely my weak upper body strength is about 95% her fault.)

Trade Secrets

The problem with this video is a little bit that Brendon sounds pretty out of tune. It's not one of my favorite songs on the CD. But then they started playing and it was like, OMGWTFBBQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ELEVENTYONE. Spencer drumming. So I will embed this one

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The thing that maybe you do not understand is that Spencer was there and also that he was drumming, and I'm not too sure what I can really convey to you with words but it happened.

Also there's a part in that video where Spencer and Brendon both push their hair away at the same time.

The Calendar: not my favorite song, but again I filmed Spencer somewhat a lot so I feel like it's somewhat worth sharing with the internet. YOU GUYS DO YOU SEE WHAT HIS HAIR WAS DOING? THAT WAS REAL LIFE.

Let's Kill Tonight: Brendon leaps off Spencer's drum riser. I do not think his ankle was broken, but it might be now. I think that it is alright that I filmed Brendon more than Spencer here because Brendon was dancing and that's always made of hilarity. Hilarity is worth sharing with the internet. Also, Ian and Brendon playing drums.

Hurricane: this video is short and also crap because people kept putting their hands in my way. The reason I stopped filming is because someone mowed into me (that time I'm not blaming it on Tara). BUT. There's a little bit there where you can see Spencer drumming, so probably it's pretty important that you watch this video regardless.

That Green Gentleman: at some point in time I realized that I could see things better on the screen of the camera than with my eyeballs to the stage so I was kind of just recording everything. FOR EXAMPLE, SPENCER DRUMMING.

Tara was like, "You'll film Brendon... if he happens to be in the shot with Spencer."

I think we should just take a little break right now to talk about how fitofpique is probs the funnest person you could ever have with you at a concert. Like, I probably am not going to spend too much time raving about her because then someone might try to steal her away from me, but pretty much she's the greatest and I just felt like making that public service announcement.

Lying: this video is garbage, don't worry about it. (The way I got these uploaded was by getting them going before leaving for work all last week, and I didn't spent too much time deciding what to upload or not.) (And then I realized that I forgot to upload everything, so it's taking me for-freakin'-ever to actually be ready to post this.) (I was not ready to go.)

Always: Spencer is not in this one, idk.

Camisado: this is probably my favorite Panic! song, although not so much live. Although, live there is that thing where Spencer is drumming, so I guess it's alright. This video is not so good, but there are like ten decent seconds where you can see Spencer drumming, so.

C'mon: this is the actualfax worst of the videos and ACTUALFAX this was because Tara kept shaking me and demanding that I produce Nate to sing the song with Brendon. I was like, "I'm filming it, don't worry," and she was like, "FOOL. WHERE IS NATE?" But I didn't know. The reason why that video is hilarious is because Brendon's on this kick where he does everything with all of the instruments ever (I want that fucking Elvis Costello cover NOW) and then he was all, I WILL SING ALL THE PARTS and then he sang all of the parts.

Anyway, there you have it. That's about the gist of everything. Pretty much all I remember was Tara being hilarious and also, I guess, feeling a little surprised that the force of my attraction to Spencer didn't levitate me out of the crowd and onto the stage but that was probably for the best because once I was on stage I think things would have gotten a little awkward.

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