Its snowing like nobody's business here. My housemate tried to get to work then rang me (who was still at home, getting ready for work) to say not to bother. She had to get off the bus after being on it for 50 minutes (its usually a 5 minute journey) and set off walking home. The buses have been cancelled. I could walk to work but it'd take me blinkin ages. I slipped on the snow and landed straight on my back yesterday (a proper comedy fall) so I'm loathe to head out again, especially when its approaching blizzard conditions.
I know a lot of places get snow much worse than this, but we're not used to it so we're not prepared. Everything stops.
My back garden:
The washing line is now a Snow Sausage:
The street outside:
The only thing to do when its snowy and you've got to stay at home? BAKE A CHOCOLATE CAKE! :D