Oh What A Knight!

Jan 04, 2010 01:53

The Trope That Is Sir Leon

So I have a thing about Sir Leon from Merlin. Sir Leon is a certain type of character, which I have dubbed a "Sir Leon", who barely exists and yet the simple fact that he does exist has driven me into dark depths of fangirlisms.

Interestingly enough, TV Tropes classify Sir Leon as a 'Darkhorse' in the series. This is what they say a darkhorse is: "A side character making up part of the Ensemble, either a non-lead secondary character or a mere Flat Character, who can sometimes become unexpectedly popular with the fandom (sometimes, even more than the lead characters) depending on who and where the fandom is." Erm. I'd say that's pretty much dead on with Sir Leon. People love him. I love him because he's barely there so we can make him into anything we want him to be. Also, its fun to randomly cling to characters.

However, I'm starting to obsess over random characters because they are a "Sir Leon". Did anyone see Day of the Triffids on the BBC earlier this week? There was a character called Troy. He was a "Sir Leon". He was in the background, had about 5 lines, randomly helped the main characters, and was suspected to be dead on several occasions. He's not even listed on the IMDB page for it and yet I ADORE HIM. I refused to believe it when it seemed he might be dead (and I was right, he wasn't dead :D).

Another "Sir Leon"? Helo from Battlestar Galactica. He's a Triumphant "Sir Leon". Other "Sir Leon"s dream of being as successful as Helo. If you don't know the story, Helo was a minor character who was left behind on the dying Caprica in the miniseries/pilot of BSG, never to be seen again. But fans loved him and wanted to know what happened to him and so he was written back into the show in a major way and was one of the only characters who lasted right until the end of the series. However, there is a warning to his tale. After his success, he was then co-oerced by the wily Joss Whedon into appearing in the terrible monster of dullness that was Dollhouse. Oh, how the mighty do fall.

Since I think I've disappeared down a long road called "Tangent" and also, because this was once a discussion of Sir Leon, I can't not post this EXCEPTIONALLY ENTERTAINING video which was posted in a comment in this thread at camelot_love, made by dingogrrl.

image Click to view


P.S. On a Real Life and yet completely unrelated note, a friend of mine just asked me to be Godmother to her new baby! I'm really touched and I had a lump in my throat when she asked me :D. Finally, another child to add to my growing army of terror!

show: merlin, show: bsg, sir leon, thoughts

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