You know what I love? I love that this has been a busy day for the Merlin fandom. Why? Why is the best bit. Because:
a) There was a 5 minute Merlin segment on Blue Peter about the catering. FOOD, PEOPLE! (video and epic discussion of over 100 posts can be found
hereb) There was an intense analytical discussion about whether Bradley does indeed
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Comments 23
This fandom has eaten my brain ... I think I would like the show only half as much in general if it weren't for the epic cast and fandom *grins* really, this fandom is amazing (and, sorry, gotta say it, camelot_love SO is the best community ever. I might start to fangirl THE COMMUNITY soon ... and I still think we should have a community-meet-up of sorts but that is just me ... erm, right, point?) and I LOVE how we even start babbling about which kind of IPOD Bradley uses. WE CRAZY OR WHAT?! I AM SO LOVING IT!
And if I was sat by myself watching Merlin with no wonderful LJ community to squee in I'd either be a) in an insane asylum rocking backwards and forwards muttering "Great...Slash...Dragon...Tent!Kiss...Bradley's beard..." or b) not that bothered. I mean, I'd like it, but I wouldn't LOVE it.
I agree with the comm meet up. Do you think we should post on camelot_love to see if anyone else is nearby who might want to meet up sometime?
I don't mind where we go for lunch. Do you have any preference? Can we go somewhere either on West Street or in the centre of town? There are plenty of restaurants around there and its pretty easy to get to. YES for the planning! We should make it an epic meet-up of awesome. Also, do you know of any Merlin conventions going on in the near future (or in the far future)?
WELL DONE for finishing your assignment! I'm sure its better than you think!
I'm not surprised that Bradley tried to take credit, while Colin was secretly the mastermind. Life imitating art and all that (its SO Merlin and Arthur!).
(BTW, the latest AU chapter made my day, too.)
On another note (but still related to your post), congrats about your writer's block being broken!!!! As a frequent victim of that curse, I know just how amazing it is when the ideas start flowing again. So seriously, congrats!!
I'm totally addicted to AU! Its so frigging wonderful, I almost look forward to the next chapter of that more than the show!
The writer's block is broken (for now) but it doesn't mean what I'm writing is any good! I'm having plot bunnies though so hopefully it'll get better from here on out.
AHH! AU! Just...God. Amazing! I definitely agree about almost looking forward to it more than the show (and depending on the upcoming episode, sometimes it's true...that doesn't make me a bad fan, right? LOL)
The point is that you're WRITING. At this point, who cares if it's good? Just get it all out and then make it amazing later. We all need a starting point, right?
Your icon is win, btw. I need to get some Children in Need Merlin icons ASAP.
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