Dec 29, 2008 00:22
I've just watched Twilight for the first time.
Apparently lots of people adore it. I just didn't get it. Its basically a series of emo 80s rock music videos strung together. And montages, lots of montages. And angst. Plenty of angst. Such an odd film. I got really bored about half way through, which surprised me as I thought vampires were meant to be interesting. It reminded me of a bizarre mix of The Lost Boys (vampires/80s rock), and Roswell (high school stalker angst) with a large dose of depression thrown in.
I've just wasted my night watching Twilight. *sigh* I should've just watched Wanted again.
EDIT: Ok, I just looked up the review on Empireonline. I really shouldn't have. They gave it four stars. FOUR STARS! And they gave Australia, which is probably my favourite film of the past year three stars. I'M SORRY? WHAT WAS THAT? How can people have such differing points of view? Twilight was a mashed up mess, while Australia was a masterpiece. ARE THESE SO CALLED REVIEWERS ON CRACK??
film: twilight