tiatiatiatiatia wrote in dis_acdmy_crack May 14, 2011 12:33
it's a quest and i'm on it, so punny, lol, spamming the crack comm, you know you love rose marie...ish, goddamn princesses, what is this i don't even, epic-ness, doodles, i guess we should just mock, fucking skanks, moustachioed maiden, hush up and look at the gumbo, characters, hitler won't like this, lottie and punz is my favorite show, no tags can do this justice, awesomesauce, you're jealous, score she's legal, cuteness everywhere, we be trollin', abusing tags is fun, mufasa approves, yeeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh, blondes do have more fun, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep, drawinz~
tuff2bagod wrote in dis_acdmy_crack Mar 02, 2011 16:35
this is why we can't have nice things, stop stealing my girlfriends miguel, probably gay, crack, undisney-like, you're jealous, drawinz~, doodles, homosexual undertones
croissantshaped wrote in dis_acdmy_crack Feb 17, 2011 18:09
spamming the crack comm, pic spam!, i went through the tags alphabetically, stop posting stupid things, rp is real life, frollolz, drawinz~, doodles, comics, i am actually my character, this was funnier three hours ago
tuff2bagod wrote in dis_acdmy_crack Jan 27, 2011 17:12
this is why we can't have nice things, probably gay, this is naima's fault, miguel is going to die, pic spam!, performing a public service, i went through the tags alphabetically, drawinz~, doodles, homosexual undertones
sadsadclown wrote in dis_acdmy_crack Jan 21, 2011 00:30
score she's legal, chat madness, what is this i don't even, brb hiding in a corner, doodles, mufasa does not approve
croissantshaped wrote in dis_acdmy_crack Jan 16, 2011 09:34
crossovers are scary, does this count as crack, probably gay, characters, awesomesauce, pic spam!, cuteness everywhere, i'll see you in my dreams bb, crossovers are fun, drawinz~, doodles, homosexual undertones
sadsadclown wrote in dis_acdmy_crack Jan 15, 2011 20:21
crossovers are scary, what is this i don't even, crossovers are fun, doodles
honor2usall wrote in dis_acdmy_crack Jan 14, 2011 02:48
naima loves dramu, you take plot way too srs, this is what happens at 4 am, bunny cakes, making you cry, pic spam!, chat madness, gdi hika and becca, app my horse, keep it classy d_a chat, drawinz~, doodles, comics, shoulda turned notifs off
sadsadclown wrote in dis_acdmy_crack Jan 13, 2011 14:02
crossovers are scary, what is this i don't even, crossovers are fun, brb hiding in a corner, doodles
sadsadclown wrote in dis_acdmy_crack Jan 02, 2011 15:37