Oct 13, 2007 23:30
It's almost pathetic to think that here in my college town bicycles and mopeds are the biggest pedestrian threat. I myself am a pedestrian and I walk to all of my classes, and I have experienced getting hit by a bike. Granted it was not a hard hit because they were just slowly maneuvering among the pedestrians to get off the sidewalk and into the street, I just so happened to decide I'd risk it and jump forward just as they decided to launch into the street. This happened several weeks ago and luckily that's the least damage done to me by anything.
Within our dorm we are playing this game called Assassins. The goal is to take out your assigned target with silly string and proceed to take out their current target. Well, on my first attempt at getting my target I jumped the gun and had to bolt after him in turn wiping myself out and achieving several battle scars. I still have yet to determine whether I need some medical attention for my ribs or spine, but it hurts to sneeze and laugh. Luckily I can move about fine and all of my extremities are intact minus a few visible scrapes. My left elbow is ingrained with the rough markings of the concrete and a large chunk of the flesh is missing.
Our dorm plays pretty hard core though because we started on Tuesday, 7 am, and by 8 am four were already knocked out. We started with 45 and now we are already down to 20. Other dorms had only 5 out by the fifth day. Pathetic.
I'm finding it hard to be able to do all the things I'd like to do, see all the movies that are on my priority list, and read all the books that have been purchased yet unopened as of yet. All while watching a few highly recommended anime, keeping up on my Jrock, and remaining active in all my selected extracurriculars. What also makes those especially difficult is that I have a 10GB weekly bandwidth limit.
I'm starpped for cash because I have been adding to my Dir en grey collective with various other irresistably cheap jrock eBay deals, and yes I manage to make sure that they are all legit. I've made that mistake once before with a few Dir en grey items and I'll be sure not to do it again, all while replacing those fakes with the real items.
Anyways, just a little slice out of my life. Thanks to anyone who reads this.