Excuses, excuses... and a little Pirates 3 goodness/report

May 29, 2007 14:09

Quick post before I buzz off to work. I know my activity on LJ here is highly infrequent, but come next week I'll be finished with high school for good, so I'll be on much more. I promise. With the addition of a new computer, my access will be greatly broadened because my capabilities on our piece-of-shit 9 year old crapintosh OS 9.2 are severely limited. My graduation party is on June 23 so I'll complete my funds for purchasing a LAPTOP!!! A fricking compatible PC instead of a crapintosh!!!!
I will most likely be going with a Dell Latitude D820 (though what I really want is a Dell XPS). Does anyone have any suggestions on a laptop? Disagree w/ my decision? Agree?
I'm so excited to be done with high school. I just have to manage surviving the rest of my finals over then next two days.What a pain in the keester.

I saw Pirates 3 last Thursday!!! On the UltraScreen!!! I can hardly believe that the last time I was at the movie theater was for Pirates 2. That's how insane my life has been. I love movies. Pirates 3 was no exception.... Fantastic! Hilarious, entertaining, etc. Better than PotC 2, which regardless of what most of my friends say I actually liked #2. There were only 6 things about the whole thing that bugged me:

1. overexaggeration w/ pile of boots at beginning... way to big to be realistic
2. Overexaggeration w/ design of Shipwreck Cove...
3. random parachute made from cargo sling... bull shit
4. The plot with the transition of Davey Jones' position could have been different and way better
5. There is no more transition from location to location with character interaction... I miss when they are actually sailing from their origin to their destination rather than *snap* we're there!
6. Elizabeth Swann is a hoe and should be killed off... plus she is a demeaning character on the part of females. i like when she has purpose, but I hate how they play around with the fact that she is a woman and make all these stupid romantic things.. that detracts from the plot immensely.

Nevertheless, completely awesome!
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