Member Diaries 6/7/2010

Jun 08, 2010 20:51


Translated by Risu @

24 Shinyas (24 ko Shinya)

From today we will again be in recording camp away from Tokyo.
At last drum recording has began.

And, since I did my best, my turn was quickly finished.
This time again there was a considerable number of songs that piled up, I wonder when everyone would be able to hear it.

[picture of Shinya's drum on his case with DIRENGREY painted on the case]

By the way this DIR EN GREY pain on the drum parts case was diligently painted alone by me a few years ago in this studio since I had time after my turn finished.

The paint is also peeling nicely and looks really nice.
When I look at this I feel like wanting to put something in the blank space so I won't try to look at it much.

The End



Translator's Notes:
Shinya's title always features word play with numbers indicating how many posts he has made so far. This is his 24th post.

blog diary entries - shinya

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