Title: The Girl Within the Cage / 籠女籠の中 / Kagome Kago no Naka
Chapter: 3 / -unknown-
rendezvous22 Rating: R
Genre: Erotica, Angst
Warnings: NSFW, language, rough sex, bondage
Pairings: Kyo (Dir en grey) x Jamie (OFC - FEMALE)
Word Count:
Summary: The first time they met, things were different; they were different. But a year has gone and passed since then and meeting Kyo now, Jamie just didn’t know how to face him.
Disclaimers: I do not own any members or associated staff members of Dir en grey. Any misinterpretations and ambiguities are at the fault of this author. I do own my original characters and imagination.
Author's Note: Let me know what you think! And as always, enjoy the story. P.S. Thank you to all those that commented. Your feedback was really great! P.P.S. There will be some major edits that will be added but I'll try my best to post new chapters more often. No promises though!
Table of Contents:
Ch01 /
Ch02 / -Ch03-
Chapter 3. Drinking Lessons >> HERE @ MY JOURNAL )