The Girl Within the Cage - Chapter 2

Nov 09, 2010 10:22

Title: The Girl Within the Cage / 籠女籠の中 / Kagome Kago no Naka
Chapter: 2 / -unknown-
Author: rendezvous22  
Rating: R
Genre: Erotica; Angst
Warnings: NSFW; language; rough sex
Pairings: Kyo (Dir en grey) x Jamie (OFC - FEMALE)
Summary: The first time they met was during Dir en grey’s All Visible Things 2009 tour in the US. Back then, things were different… they were different. But a year has gone and passed since then and facing Kyo now, Jamie didn't know what to tell him....
Disclaimers: I do not own any members or associated staff members of Dir en grey. I do own my own original characters and my imagination.
Author's Note: Please read and review the chapter (my inspiration for the next chapter comes directly from my readers so please, let me know what you think!). As always, enjoy the story, readers!
Table of Contents: Ch01

Chapter 2. Questions >> HERE @ MY JOURNAL )
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