Joe and I have taken so many photos so quickly our individual portfolios are building up fast. Great thing about it, people want to BUY our photos. My supervisor was over last night and was looking through Joe's stuff. She wants a photo in a poster size, and knowing how much it is to print one through our send outs service, she's willing to pay extra so we make a profit.
Then today, Joe told me his friend Kala wanted to buy some 8x10s and she said other people were interested as well (about 5 or 6 other people).
It looks like this venture is really going to take off and I hope it works out for us. Get us some spending money, or just a little extra help for rent and groceries.
We're not going to be selling anything for too cheap, because honestly that's not giving ourself enough credit, but it won't be so over-priced it's absurd either.
I love this man! Check our stuff out (and add us) at Myspace Feedback greatly appreciated!