The house is white but the paint is coming off.

May 23, 2008 21:40

So I deleted M2's number from my phone. I did what I did with M: I wrote it down on a small piece of paper first and stuffed it underneath all my underwear in my top drawer before deleting it. That way, I'd always have it just in case, but I wouldn't be tempted to text him in the meantime.

I like that I'm getting over him. I asked M if it'd be conducive to the process if I could make myself hate him. He said no, the best thing to do is to have no feeling at all toward him. I can do that. I did it with D
sorry, D
and I did it with M. The only person I've never been able to do that with was N but then again, N is too abstract at this point in my life to change how I feel about him in any major way. He's like something I thought of before I woke up; not real but not quite forgotten. So it goes. Now the challenge will be to rediscover my old feelings for M. I'm working on this while simultaneously getting over M2
it's not as hard as you may think
and the ol' Lex Summer Switch v. 1.0 is kicking in soon
i hope.
I really, really wish M2 hadn't come with me to the wedding. I mean, he's a nice face to present to family and take pictures with and all that, but the pictures last forever. Thank GOD Andy, the photographer, didn't get him in any. At least I don't have to sift through those.

Tonight M and I are going to Adriana's house for a little while to have a drink, then maybe out to Rice Village or Shay's for another. I can't stay out too late tonight because I have a hair appointment tomorrow at nine am, then work until eight. Blah.

I still need to write to my Nu-Nu (German grandma) and Nana (artist grandma). I'll push a Post-It to my forehead and hope for the best.
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