I'll keep it with mine.

May 19, 2008 02:59

Things are on the up and ups. M and I went to Mom's today to get Nana's program for her "Legacy" exhibit at the museum. I was stunned. She had taken most of her artwork and designer dresses from her houses and as a collection, showed them at the museum in McAllen. It was CRAZY awesome. They made a DVD about it, which I need to watch. I hope one day when I grow up that my house will look just like hers.

M and I are going to go to New York in July, which will be fun. I can't wait to find a Grand Hyatt (Park Hyatt..?)-esque hotel bar (like the one M and J went to in Tokyo) in NYC and go to the museums. Vegas was really fun with him, and since he knows NY quite well, I imagine it'll be great. Ostensibly, it's hard to rediscover my feelings for him so soon after my M2 breakup, but I intend to because he knows me so well.
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