If someone can explain the purpose of a fake and bake tan to me, besides orange skin being sexy or something like that, that would be wonderful.
Anyway, the following people are being cut from my friends list. Remove yourself from my list at once. You're taking up too much space on my list.
Any one who does this is a fucking loser and I hope you burn yourself with a curling iron, maybe in the throat area because you use your curling iron to practice giving oral, and not that there's anything wrong with that, but make sure it's turned off first.
But, this is why people on Live Journal get laughed at people roll their eyes at the stupid "net politics" that go on here. Why in the hell, and someone can explain this to me too, do you feel the need to announce "Hey. I'm doing a friends cut. If your name is here, take me off your list." and list names and say something lame like "It's not personal! Tee Hee!". Dude, just do it quietly and if someone asks you, handle it through email. Stop being fucking drama queens, because most people that do this have these "friends only" journals, but that will be their only public post, that and the fancy graphic informing us that their journal is "Friends Only". That is fucking lame putting people on blast like that. You could have very well kept that entry "friends only" just like you do all your other ones. All for the sake of fucking drama. I don't get it. Just do your cleaning of your list, and shut the fuck up about it. Then you'll have co-signers "That was mean, grrrrl! I'm glad you didn't take me off. Tee Hee!" Argh!
Trust me when I tell you I won't even question it if you unfriend me. I won't care. If you want to put it on some fucking list, be my guest. Please.
And if you're somewhere getting offended by this, you're probably guilty of doing it and you TRULY need to check yourself.