Went to see some short films last night at a cafe bar in Hinkley with Kate and Jenny. Some were good, some...weren't, and it was £2.50 for a pint of lemonade, but on the upside I did coin a new medical term for Kate's itchy boobs (IBT: Itchy Boob Trauma) and buy cheap pick 'n' mix from the Somerfield next door.
The Heart of the World by Guy Maddin was VERY good.
IMDB describes it as a parody of 1920's silent melodrama film.
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0260948/ Is anyone else really pissed off about this news story?
http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/articles/PA_NEWA6962441116797667A000001?source=PA%20Feed# It has absolutely bollock all to do with the standard of sex education in schools! The blame blatantly lies with irresponsible parenting and an inability, on behalf of the CHILDREN, to keep their bloody legs shut!