Apr 29, 2006 16:50
"It's been awhile" - seems to the the story of my life. I can't remember the last time I updated this thing. Maybe it's because between comuting to Colgate Im working about 50 hours, I exercise just about everyday (for about 2.5 hours) and then pass out. Then there are the weekends - Which have been devoted to Joel and trying to see my friends who I neglect all the time. Don' worry kiddos Joel feels a little neglected to because with gas prices soaring Ive been keeping my ass at home alot during the week.
Colgate has been an interesting ride so far. It's really nice to be able to work in an environment where everyone is a at least a little above the average intelligence. Now I know why I worked so hard in school - I DIDNT WANT TO WORK WITH MORONS). lol. I go in only really have to talk to maybe 4 people a day - do my job - and I have a great lab partner.
Exercising is the other part of my life. I guess you can call it my hobby - yea my hobby. Here's how my hobby is laid out.
Monday: Strive ( a 12 machine workout in 3 different strengths - bythe time your done you've had an entire body t train) After strive I usually run or walk for about 45 minutes.
Tuesday: I do a half hour abs class followed by an hour step class.
Wednesday: No classes so I do the strive again( your only suppose to do it twice a day) and run again.
Thursday: I do a 1/2 hour abs class then an hour kickboxing class.
Friday: If im not seeing Joel Im running - usually outside if its nice. Maybe ill start taking the Belly dancing class they have.
Saturday and Sunay: im seeing Joel - but I try to fit in a run at some point of the weekend. If he comes up here we take a walk with my parents for about an hour around the neighborhood.
Maybe ill try to update this thing a little more - i usually only log on to read irenes blogs - we talk every morning (just about) on the phone when driving to work but sometimes its hard to fit in all your daily thoughts in a 1/2 phone conversation.
Ive been having great weekends this year. Going to Phili and NY, Hanging out with great people and doin the things I love. I guess having money will do it for you. Ive been saving alot to. Ive saved almost 2 grand already. That is the reason I still live at home. Yeah I can totally move out - but why should I. I know Im going to grad school in a little over a year and will need to move out - ill need as much saved as possible.
Im hungover from the senior formal last night - so maybe ill go for my run - that always makes me feel better. Ill post pics soon enough.