Mar 13, 2008 14:44
spring break is delightful
in fact, spring semester is just so much faster than fall...why is that?
before i came home, i dropped a class, got all my midterms done, and got a head start on a term paper for one of my english classes. i feel so liberated. now when i return to miami, i'll still have work to do, but not this overwhelming black hole of never ending work doom cloud that was following me all over the place.
i finally got a new cell phone, so the brick is officially retired. now i've joined the ranks of corporate america and purchased a red blackberry (or, more lovingly referred to as the 'whackberry' thanks to chiz). june ann is getting one as well, so now we'll be twins. obviously if june ann wants one, it must be classy. i never thought i'd need one, but lately i've needed the email on the go and the internet and all that other nonsense. ahh the joys of growing up. it seems kind of ridiculous i'm sure but i got a great deal on it and i really love it. hopefully it is as durable as my previous phone, which took many a spill down flights of stairs, down hallways, etc.
i finally officially declared my majors, which makes life a lot easier on me. i also got summer courses in the mail from UAlbany and i think i'm going to take one or two- some of them look interesting, and since i still can't get finite math out of the way because no one has ever heard of it (read: it is not real. woof.) i'm just going to take classes that look interesting and could possibly help out with some random requirements. hooray.
i went to the doctor on monday and he told me he wants me to wait 3 weeks until starting to run again. that's kind of lame, and it's way conservative, but whatever. i've come this far, i think i can wait 3 weeks. next week is also my last 2 appointments with scott, which is actually kind of sad because i've gotten so used to going to him. he's like my buddy now. but all that means is that i'm finally getting i'll take it. i can't believe it's basically almost summer again- crazy how much can happen in a year.
yesterday i went to carrie's to celebrate her 21st birthday. i have been spending the past 5 birthdays with her doing the same thing- going to her house, having cake with the fam, catching up. it is insane to think that she's 21 now. she's graduating from college next year. how does this happen????
wellllll i guess that's all i've got. lauren comes home tomorrow, so we'll have some chill time this wkend and then its back to UM on sunday. i'm actually looking forward to getting back...and rescuing my car from ft. lauderdale airport, where it is currently generating capital like nobody's business. eeeeep.