Jul 15, 2007 11:24
luna lovegood/evanna lynch is my new hero. she has become one of my new favorite people in the world, simply because she is effing hilarious. i can't wait until HP comes out on video so i can marvel at her awkward comments once more. i hope she has a good set of quotes for the 6th movie, because she makes my life worth living.
that being said, i just finished a book called 'i, mona lisa' which was reallyyyyy good. i thought it was going to be all Da Vinci Code-ish, but it turned out to be a really intense love story involving the medici family. oh 15th Century Florence, you define drama. in the past week alone i have read 4 books, which is really sad, but only makes me wish that i had been this efficient when summer reading was actually required. what a shame.
tonight is john mayer/ben folds at spac with ehizz. i'm excited, though it looks like it's going to rain. i guess it doesn't matter though, we have inside seats. 6th row, actually. that's pretty amazing. john mayer is good live- almost to the point where i can forgive him for winning a grammy over C.ags this past year. almost.
i'm really annoyed with the fact that my friends can't get it together enough to go to 6 flags this summer. i specifically took 2 fridays off and a few other days and gave everyone these options practically 2 weeks in advance. no one got back to me, and then the other day i got an email from catherine saying that 'someone had to make a decision, so she took the 27th off from work'. apparently it was forgotten that both amelia and i would be in boston that weekend, even though we told everyone that's where we'd be. so then she got snippy and said it was 'pretty much impossible then', which really makes me angry. i'm free 90% of the time, and can take days off easily, i don't work weekends anymore, and i told everyone that any day in july, with the exception of my boston weekend, would work. no one listens anymore. i'm really fed up. it also frustrates me that it's so difficult for everyone to take days off from work, and yet, when other things come up, no one has any problems skipping out on their jobs to do what they want to do. i don't get it. if you don't REALLY want to go, then say so, because i hate nothing more than when people make plans just for the sake of making plans, knowing perfectly well that they won't follow through with it. don't waste my time.
most people don't realize how soon i'm leaving, and i don't really care. i'm annoyed, and i'm not going to spend the rest of my summer trying to get together with everyone 'one last time' before i leave. we had a ton of time, and it's not my fault that they've hardly been around. so lame.
on a happier note, katie is coming to cp on aug 1 to spend the night, and i'm really excited to be able to see her one more time before the summer is up. and of course, we'll be living together come the end of august, so that's amazing as well. =]
its dark from the rain, and i'm really tired because i haven't been sleeping well all week. i keep waking up and staying awake for hours and then falling asleep around 5 am. i tend to have these random periods of insomnia where i just can't get it together. what's that all about? it would be more useful to be an insomniac when i'm working the desk for security this way i can stay awake the whole shift, not when its summer and i can sleep for days. gosh.
i hope there's pudding.