Oct 14, 2006 23:59
I was very brave, I went to the dentist and had two teeth out. I was very good considering I hadn't been given a sedative before hand! I was on temazapan last time!!
Mind you, you know it has to be bad for me to:
A - go to the dentist in the first place
B - actually say yes when the dentist says they need to come out, would you like me to take them out for you!
C - not make a run from it when I am released to the waiting room for my mouth to go numb before the extraction!
Yay me.
I was planning to go back to work afterwards but I felt a bit on the giddy side, so I went home and slept from 11.30am - 6pm. Only to wake up and find I had bled all over the pillow - which was nice. Would have liked to have got some coursework done, but sleeping buggered that plan up slightly.
Finished my second core element today, now just have 4 electives to get out of the way by xmas.