So for the past two days I've been having Kittenfest at my house....
One of my stray kitties, Pan, was very very pregnant for what seemed like forever. Tuesday I woke up and heard her outside yelling for food. This is normal. Although she was alone, which normally I have an army of kitties outside all angry and hungry. While feeding Pan, I noticed her grapefruit of a belly vanished. So I'm like.... where the hell are the kittens. After wandering around my backyard I heard them crying from the neighbors 'garden' (remains of a chicken coop? and overgrown plants really.. I don't know what she's trying to grow other than weeds but the lady is out there every day watering it). I saw three kittens at first, all crawling around on the ground randomly with these giant greenish blue flys hangin around. You know, those kind of flys you never ever see unless something is dead or smells like butt. I run in the house and grab a towel, washcloth, and something to put the kittens in (ended up being a metal pot for some reason). And I go pick up the kittens from the ground with the washcloth since you aren't supposed to touch kittens before their eyes open (mother will abandon them...) and carry them to my porch wrapped in the towel in the cooking pot. I ended up finding four kittens all together and spent about 5 more minutes out there searching the weeds for more just in case. I still hope I didn't miss any. So... the kittens are fine although dirty and angry about their adventure with the flys. Not to mention hungry. This whole time Pan is wandering around looking at me funny but not concerned at all about the kitties that she popped out earlier that day. I locked her on my front porch with the kittens and she wanted nothing to do with them. So I'm like 'oh damn.... she abandoned them already and now I have to play kitty mommy'. I go and print out like 20 pages of 'How to take care of abandon kittens' and I also pick up a large cat carrier from my mom's as a last effort to make Pan feed her kittens. So Pan wants to check out this new cat carrier cause it smells like foreign kitties and she wanders in on her own. Then I line the whole front of the cat carrier with her kittens (using gardening gloves to handle them now) and shut the gate on it. It was like a sneaky kitten attack. Thankfully, ever since then Pan's been in the cat carrier (its open now) feeding the kittens. They are gonna be so fat. I found out she doesn't know how to use a catbox either... that's another story not worth telling. But now Pan's being a good mommy and all is well. Although she occasionally lays on the kittens and hasn't quite figured out the ideal feeding position. She has no problems with me handling them with the gardening gloves on so I've rescued a few from underneath her numerous times. Anyway.... I took some photos about an hour ago of them in the cat carrier. They aren't too great but enjoy the kitten cuteness.....
There is one pale gray, one dark gray, one dark gray with a white spot on his face and white paws, and one black. They are all kinda tiger striped. The kittens are going to be free to good homes as soon as they are old enough. I already have so many strays to take care of and I'm taking Pan in once she is kitten-free and litter box trained.
More stupidly cute photos to come....