(no subject)

Feb 22, 2006 15:33

alright, so, the apes hangers are gonna take some time and more $$$ then i care to spend right now. so, i've decided to change my bars from the stock grandma lookin' ones to drag bars. i've also decided to change my sissy bar from the tall boy i have now to a lower more rounded yet pointy one. it looks good, trust me. I'll supply pictures as soon as i do it. so on the way back to the office from a client thing i stopped by the old harley dealer and picked up some drag bars. that place is great, its like cheers. everybody knows your name. not necessarily literally know your name. but, they all know you and they know you bought a bike there so they don't treat you like an asshole. especially when you show up in office attire to pick up drag bars. "no guys, i swear, i'm cool... and tough enough to drive a harley... seriously".

PS Lori keep on my ass about getting you the video of Texas DDR. otherwise it'll slip through my giant cracks ;)
also, i had a fuckin' amazing time and i can't thank you enough for the whole thing, seriously, it rocked the house. i'm devising a way to get back there ASAP.
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