Jan 01, 2010 22:08
so anyway,
i recently re-formatted my macbook, & i've FINALLY put everything back into place. :) :) but im dreading school, which is in 2 days. i haven't been doing what i'm supposed to. i'm s-c-r-e-w-e-d. big time. & my right shoulder hurts, which got worse after pool slot today too. :( i think i slept on my right arm last night or something. now, i can't lift my arm without feeling the pain. right arm leh. my shooting arm. nevermind! now i will practise more with my left arm. ^^ tomorrow's the big day with the ODACIANS! we're going to mr ong's SPARE house in Geylang. (like seriously, are teachers That well-paid?) anyhows, loads to catching up to do & i miss you guys!! :)
in an absolutely random side note, i suddenly miss rock-climbing. or sport-climbing, which is more correct. somehow, i think climbing the boat rack at the pool cage has stirred my long-lost desire to climb. HAHA! seriously. i mean, when i climb the rack to put the boats back i get the feeling of climbing again.
just got text message from a good friend. you know who you are.
i'm flattered & motivated at the same time. i don't wanna let you guys down because i know this r/s is the best i've ever had. i've always been optimistic.
we'll be okay. ♥ ♥