
Sep 28, 2010 00:07

We were supposed to be having fun.
Every last Sunday of September we gather out on the streets and wait for the bar examinees to finish their last day of exams to welcome them from the other side of hell. It was a gigantic party that day, and despite this being my second year in school last Sunday was my first time to go to the festivities.

The atmosphere was electric, students were dancing and dousing each other with beer/water and throwing confetti. I was standing just a few meters away from the "fun crowd", I didn't want to get wet but at around 5pm I was planning to move forward and look for some of my blockmates since I'm not one to miss out on the fun. Then the explosion went off. There was a moment of silence after the blast wherein everyone was wondering if it was one of the drums, I thought it was some sort of sound system malfunction up until I remembered that there weren't any electrical objects around the area. Soon after there was a stampede to get to our side of the road, and I ran to the back with some of my friends to escape being pushed around. Thank God, just thank all my angels for letting me be prissy about my clothes otherwise I would've been so close to where the blast was. My blockmates who were near the area saw the people who were bleeding, one said she saw someone on the ground, unable to get up.

All I could think of at the time was to call everyone I knew who might be around the area - our school was targeted and our students got the most casualties. Thankfully all my friends were safe, but some of my friend's sorority sisters (about 20) were all sent to the hospital and a couple of them had to get their legs amputated.

I can't even fathom how someone can do this, at the very last day of the exams. I can't fathom how anyone can do this to innocent people who were there to lend their support to their peers. I was there for class attendance FFS. I just pray that the person/s who did this will be found and justice will be served.

rage, law school: the final frontier

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