No Reservations - Philippines

Apr 25, 2009 01:18

I'm posting this here for my own archiving purposes but if you're interested in watching I urge you to do so! Anthony Bourdain came over here a few months back and this was the end result of that trip, I'm pretty pleased with it but it could've been more in-depth/wide-ranging, but whatever. I love his insights on everything and props to him for eating some of the stuff we serve around here. Even I don't dare try some of the food he had.

Anyway, the episode's under the cut. 5 Youtube vids which got me hungry enough to go poking around the cupboard for something to eat at midnight! Huge warning though: if you're squeamish and have issues with our more, er, crude means of food preparation then I suggest you abstain from watching the 2nd and 4th videos.

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links, ang mahal kong pilipinas, food

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