Sadness stunned you. In you everything sank.

Apr 16, 2009 01:59

FML guys, FML. Marat was up 5-2 on the third set and he STILL LOST. Then on tiebreak he was down 2-5 and managed to tie at 6-6 BUT LOST ANYWAY.

3 and a half hours, two rackets smashes, a tennis ball skyrocketed to the stands, and a spectator emergency later (someone fainted and the EMTs had to disassemble the chairs to bring in the stretcher, nothing serious I don't think), Marat managed to lose his lead for the nth time at the worst possible moments that cost him another match. I don't even know anymore!!

Lapentti you have denied me of THIS. IHU right now.
Excuse me while I drown my sorrows in some vodka and juice concoction.
WHY MARAT WHYYYY I still love you dammit all

you make me wanna sin marat safin, tennis is my boyfriend

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