The Stolen Earth Reaction Post

Jun 30, 2008 13:36

I'm warning you now, this is LONG and very capslock-y and full of pure unadulterated squee! Oh, and mild cussing. Well, worse than mild.


Holy crap. Holy holy HOLY CRAP WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!?!?


Okay. Okay. Calm down calm down.

The credits killed me! How fast was that thing going, LOL.

"Good. I like Saturdays." SO DO WE DOCTOR, SO DO WE.

MARTHA MUTHERFUCKIN JONES IS BACK BITCHES! I love my girl so hard, always thinking of others before herself. And she got promoted!

MARTHA/JACK owns me. I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH I MIGHT JUST PUKE MY HEART OUT FROM GLEE. Floor, meet my heart. Heart, meet the floor. The way Jack reacted to Martha's disappearance killed me. KILLED ME D'YOU HEAR?!?!? Oh Ianto, I always knew you and Martha are BFFs.


Sweet crazy Dalek Caan! That will give me nightmares all week.

Donna's heartbeat has an echo!!!! What does it mean!??!!? "You're something new."

"I'm so sorry for your loss."
"Yeah, my entire planet is lost."
"I mean the loss that is yet to come."  --> OH.MY.GOD.

Bees are aliens!!!! Not all of them, at least.

"I'll just go and get you the key..." LOL.

IANTO AND GWEN. SO MUCH LOVE. Ianto getting jealous of Jack's business meeting was hilarious, and trust Ianto to watch a show on telly of a man with some curly-haired pooch making cracks at the entire planet being lost and such. I LOVE MY TORCHWOOD.

Wilf with the paint gun was inspired, come on.

Some S3 throwbacks I've noticed - "End of the line.", Judoon.. Well, Francine and Martha obvs. And....

THE MASTER'S DRUM BEAT! I now totally associate that sound with evil doings. Harriet Jones what are you up to now?

"Do you have a webcam?"
"No, she won't let me. She says they're naughty." LOLWILF

Martha's safe thank Rasillon. And she's with Francine!

Jack flirting with everyone is full of lols.

The whole One Call at the Same Time for the Doctor thing, so very S3 as well.

The Companion Love-a-Palooza was fantastic! I love seeing the Doctor so happy.

Give me a moment here. *blows nose*


Davros what. Who didn't know he was coming back, anyway?

"I have only one thing to say to you. BYE!" --> Oh Doctor ILU.

"Yeah, well I'm going down fighting. Like Owen. Like Tosh." Even a mention of their name makes me cry! And this time when I say cry I really mean 'tears pouring down my face' and not just 'wibbly expressions pastede on yay'.

Oh oh. That reunion scene! I shipped them so hard once. This reminds me why they were so freaking adorable together.


I found it quite OOC for Rose to panic when the Doctor began to regenerate. She's seen it happen once before, and to have her say that he can't, or more like shouldn't, regenerate is quite selfish of her. The Rose I know would rather have him regenerate than for him to die.. It seems to imply numerous things that could warrant an entire post unto itself, but I'd rather stay out of that right now, lol.

Holy crap guys, who's the Doctor's most faithful Companion?!?!? Everlasting death is kind of redundant, don't you think? Unless it refers to Jack.. Which, if it is, I will most likely impart everlasting death on whoever thought that that would be an awesome plan, because it's not. Killing Jack for lols ala the Master and killing Jack for TW is okay, but to kill him permanently will result in me getting on a plane to Cardiff and cutting a bitch.

If this regeneration is for reals I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN RTD. I mean it. You can't do this to me.

The soundtrack for this episode was EPIC.

MARTHA MUTHERFUCKING JONES HAS A KEY! SHE WILL SAVE THE UNIVERSE AND THE DOCTOR. AGAIN. But she better not die while doing it. The only thing worse than Jack dying is Martha dying and if she does, I - I - I can't even articulate the things I would do to RTD if it happens.

Questions to ponder for this week:

- How can they still broadcast news or call each other when the world's been taken out of its usual path? Wouldn't that mean that all other things like satellites would be messed up too? Or do the stolen planets come with built-in satellites?

- Why am I asking real valid questions?

- Do you think it strange that I feel that Davros has a keen similarity to one of my older relatives?

- What happened to Gwen, Ianto and Sarah Jane?

- If this regeneration is for real, do you think Team Cardiff will make my dream come true and have DT regenerate into Justin Lee Collins?

- Will the Doctor disable Jack's teleport again to stop him from going forward in time and shagging Sarah Jane's son? 'Coz, you know, I so would.

- Who, or what, is inside the Red Dalek? I've seen spoilers a while back, but thankfully I've forgotten them so this is now an honest question to mull over.

- How many rolls of tissue do you think I'll need for next week's episode? How many are you keeping handy?

Screencaps to be included once I upload all the pictures!

doctor who

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