Look, it's got three settings!

Jun 19, 2008 14:46

Oh god the crack cup runneth over. I just finished watching The Curse of the Fatal Death and I couldn't stop laughing for the entire time!

Camp!Master FTW! Dalek bumps WHAT. The Master totally reminded me of the Sheriff of Rottingham, one of my most favorite villains evar!

My two year-old niece will totally love this: Mr. Bean and Doctor Who are her fandoms yo.

Master: Say hello to the Spikes of Doom! *cackles*
Doctor: Say hello to the Sofa of Reasonable Comfort. *is v. smug*

"Result: Cute, sexy, and licking-the-mirror handsome." --> LOL, "Ten" is still a little slutboi.

Pretty!Doctor is hot, Hugh Grant for AU!11th Doctor!

The best has got to be Shy!Ziddler!Doctor --> "Oh dear, another girl!" LOL ILU.

"Are you sure? I think I can see the on switch!" --> Wahaha omg a female Doctor would be so much fun! Then Jack as Companion!

Yeah, not so much a review, I know, but there's really not much to say except it was just total crack! A+, would LOL again!

doctor who

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