It's a funny old life in the TARDIS...

Apr 07, 2008 10:41

I finally got to watch Partners in Crime, woot!

-- I love Donna! I knew I was going to, and I do! She's going to be so good for the Doctor.

-- Speaking of, he was still pretty emo but it was a different level of emo. A more 'mature', more self-aware level of emo.

-- Martha bits!!! Omg I loved those. I'm just glad that the Doctor realized a lot of things about her when she left, and that he's sad but not angsty. All I can say is that he better say all of those bits to her when she returns, or else he really hasn't learned anything.

--Those Adipose creatures are the cutest things ever! My niece loved them, lol.

-- Oh man, the mime parts between the Doctor and Donna were just so hysterical. One of the best parts of this ep.

-- I'm glad that he explained everything to Donna before she starts travelling with him.

-- Yes hello OMG ROSE! What.Is.Going.On?!?!?!?!? I got spoiled (voluntarily) before watching this episode so I knew she was going to make an appearance, but I still felt so excited when I saw her. It's ROSE. Am still amazed!!

-- Donna's grandpa is so adorable. I started crying when he saw Donna and Ten in the TARDIS. I'm still overly emotional about the TW finale so all the leftover weepiness just crossed over to this ep, haha. But yeah, all grandpa types make me a bit weepy, I miss my grandpa :(

-- "You've got... a hatbox?" DONNA, GIRL, ILU.

The Doctor with Donna's luggage was just.. <3

-- "You're just a long streak of nothing. Alien nothing." LOL!

-- "It got complicated." --> I don't know, I think he's alluding not just to Martha having feelings for him, but also of That Year. And damn right it got "complicated".

-- I had to watch it twice because during the first time I was watching it my niece kept babbling, she kept asking me "Where's the Doctor?" everytime he wouldn't be on the screen. She just wouldn't shut up! I think this is going to turn out pretty bad, she's a bit obssessive (she can watch a single Mr. Bean episode repeatedly). I know that feeling, love.

So, is it Saturday yet? (I missed saying that!)

doctor who

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