Mothers are God to a Child *spoiler on Silent Hill*

Apr 28, 2006 03:19

Figured I should actually, you know, post in this journal, since I haven't in so long. I've been posting more in my other various journals.

Ben and I went to see "Silent Hill" tonight, and we rather enjoyed it. For being a movie based off a video game, it came out better than expected. It was still rather bad in some areas (how oculd it NOT be) and it certainly left some unanswered, bizzare questions at the end of it (how could it not?) and it certainly had some very gratuitous, graffic, blood-letting scenes (I actually burst out laughing during one - if I say anymore though I'll have to put a spoiler note on the journal). But I loved the costumes (okay, I want to dress like the evil people in the movie, so sue me), and some scenes were actually kinda....Dune-esque. There's a "coming down the stairs" scene that is completely Dune/sci-fi grandure, and I completely enjoyed the lighting, music and general feel of it. And of course the classic ideas of fatith being perverted to evil without the ideas of love and compassion to guide it....fine, fuck it, I'm putting a spoiler note on this. Okay, the classic ideas of faith perverted, the ideas of humans creating their own Hell, the failure and the redemption of motherhood.... Where the old mother failed in her desire to fit in amongst her people, the new mother took up the torch of sacrifice for her child. I would even call the female biker cop another mother of sorts - she too made a sacrifice and did everything it took to find the missing child. Although her role is more of a community mother more than a personal mother.

It had a bit of the detailings of a real fairy tale - The OLD kind, not the sanitized kind we pass to our children today. the price paid by those who are simply curious or get in the way, the overcoming of obstacles through tricks of using their natural weaknesses, the labyrinth, the archetype of revenge - making a child into an adult killer, the luring of the hero into a lair by guise of safe haven, the savant, the wisewoman, the witch, the old mother, the castration, the true mother, the woodsman or huntsman (I would almost call the cop that too)...

Now that I think about it, it really IS quite the fairy tale. It has quite a few of the hallmarks. So, if you don't enjoy stupid bloodshed, don't see it - but if you can think about it in terms of almost a fey journey, and enjoy freaky costumes, you may end up liking it at least a little. You'll be left with a lot of irritating questions at the end though (like WHERE the FUCK did all that barbwire come from? Sheesh!). I think its supposed to have a twist ending, but it may be a plot fall for the sequel... the question remains - has her God really saved her?
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