Will we ever be missed for real?

Mar 10, 2013 16:22

Hey, this is me posting something short to keep this place alive and about..

I just conversed with a certain someone and despite me leaving a certain community for some time now, i start to wonder; Was i really missed? Will i ever really be missed?

As pathetic as it may sound, but i think we all agree that to a certain extent, we would want people to miss us and so on because it simply shows how much we mean to the people around us.

However, what happens when we find out that the people around us don't really give much thought about you whether you're dead or alive, far or near? Does it not give that person a bitter taste in their emotions?

I feel a bit sad right now.. The reason of me leaving was because there were so many miscommunications. With that in hand, this person did not really find out the truth or reason from me and instead just tells me: "I shall see you when i see you then. See you.."

Well, i have no hard feelings against this person but I'm just pondering over this fact of how important are we to the people around us? Some people are sincere enough to find out how are you and all that. But then again, there are people around you who are not really the friends you think they are. They just happen to take you as a mere acquaintance.

I guess enough said about that.

"Innocence; An illusion of life"
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