No, I don't have pics yet, because I just got in 2 hours ago. I am, however, going to copy my paper journal into here. Excuse the exhausted Franglais...
Je fais partie du groupe de Mme Fedor
Dans mon group, il y a Izzo, Megan, Danielle, Angie, Brittany, Jessica.
Le départ de Hempfield a Paris: 10 AM
Nous sommes partis en bus du lycée a 10h00 et nous sommes arrivés a l'aeroport de Dulles a 2h40.
Je me suis assis a cote de Mme Stewart et Georgina.
Le Film: Rien-- il y a des jeux vidéos.
Le repas Poulet, pommes de terre, yoghurt, tabbouleh
L'arrivée a Paris They lost Mme Fedor's luggage....
Je me suis réveillée a Je ne dormai pas.
Le petit dejeuner: Yoghurt encore
Le matin: Tour bus, smart cars, eiffel tower pics from Trocadero, Notre Dame pics.
Le dejeuner: Trop chere, and the Americans in our group who refuse to attempt French REALLY suck.
L'aprés-midi: A l'hotel, le chambre etait salle. Emily thinks the maid is trying to nail us for stealing from the mini-bar. Hmm.
Le diner: Tomato/Mozzarella/basil salad, pork, carrots, profiterole.
Le Soir: Went to a newsstand, got postcards and a present for Gab. Cigarrette butts all over the street. Parisian women are bra optional. I'm so f'n tired.
L'hotel: inneffectual 'organizing' = moving stuff around, making a mess, shoving it back in suitcase.
Je me suis couché aZZZZZZ
And now I'm going to bed! My bed! With my pillows, and my sheets!