remisims tagged me for ten things about Ajay a long time ago, and I am just now finished with it.
1. Ajay was a child model. He had what the talent agent called a perfect “face 1”. His parents tried to expand his career into child acting as well, but the talent agent also said he had the “emotional range of a Sir-Bricks-a-Lot”.
2. If Ajay could have one regular person superpower, he’d want to be an amazing storyteller. There’s something absolutely magic about telling a story so well that everyone feels it resonate with their hopes or fears. It’s this wish that has led him to pursue journalism, but he’s never thought to try fiction.
3. Ajay has one sister. They are not especially close. They got along as children, but as she grew older, despite being the younger sibling, she began to refer to anything that interested Ajay as “silly” or “childish”. Ajay was used to having some of his quirkier ways of looking at the world laughed at by adults, but getting it from his little sister? It really made him feel, well, like a loner.
4. Ajay is an optimist. He knows deep down that he’s going to be a big success someday, and that all this nonsense before is just so when he’s rich and famous he’ll know who his real friends are.
5. Ajay is a recent convert to the importance of clothes (and presentation in general) to success and how you are perceived. He tries to treat every day like a job interview, dressing one step up from what he expects to be encountering. He has destroyed almost all photos from his “bowl cut years”.
6. Being able to support himself from his blog is a relatively new thing for Ajay. It’s a big break for him, as before this he’s kind of been a failing fortune sim up until now. In the few years since college, he’s held a wide variety of silly dead-end jobs, most of which he has been fired from. His favorite was definitely being a tour guide on the Disneyland Jungle Cruise ride.
7. Ajay’s fascination with the paranormal and extraterrestrial, or things he suspects to be paranormal or extraterrestrial, are very much rooted in his sense of belonging with them. Ajay has always felt like a bit of an oddball, and for some reason seeking out other oddballs and then writing tabloid style stories on them seems to help.
8. While in college, Ajay worked at the school paper, getting real life experience for his career in journalism. He always managed to dodge his reall assignments and come back with some tabloid, or at least paranormal, story, which only sometimes had anything to do with who he was supposed to be interviewing. He always liked to think of himself as a “loose cannon” around the paper, but was referred to instead as “Loose screws” Loner.
9. Ajay is completely unaware of his affect on women, and he would be so mortified if he realized that he gets lots of places just based on his looks. He wants to be respected for his mind, dammit! Despite the way women swoon over him, Ajay has never had a serious relationship.
10. Ajay’s first kiss was at one of his sister’s sleepovers. His sister and her friends were all playing truth or dare, and kissing Ajay was a dare.
I tag you all, for everyone.