Christmas Eve

Jan 01, 2011 01:53

Title: Christmas Eve.
Pairing: Sakurai Sho/Aiba Masaki
Author: dino_rawr122
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Aiba Masaki is finally turning 28~! Arashi is celebrating the last member's birthday of the year. What gift has Sho given his special lover this year as well?
Disclaimer: Own nothing yo! D: Just this mind of minneee~~ Made for Aibaka's birthday [/late] and for my lovely Ate Aya! syri_chii

It was Christmas Eve.

The city was painted white by the fresh snow that had fallen from the sky, the city’s night lights lit up the dark sky with every color you could think of. People were running around for last minute Christmas shopping or just being together to enjoy the day. In the heart of this town, a beautiful Christmas tree was displayed.

It was Christmas Eve, a day everyone was excited about. Whether it be the chance to be with a loved one, or just a little celebration. For Aiba Masaki, it was a little bit of both.

“Happy Birthday, Aiba-chan!” All the members of Arashi were gathered together at his apartment for the man’s 28th birthday. They reach their glasses in the air, clashing them together in celebration. Arashi’s fame is still sky rocketing, everyone is in good health, another year has gone and they didn’t want to slow down soon. They all enjoy what they’re doing for the fans, they love their job and on top of it, its time to celebrate the last birthday of the year.

Aiba was smiling, tearing up slightly as he received gifts from his closest friends.

“Aiba-chan! You’re such a cry baby!” Nino laughed, hitting his friend playfully on the head. Matsujun and Ohno brought the cake to the table and Sho began to light up the candles. At the count of three they sang “Happy Birthday” to Aiba. The birthday boy blew his candles, wishing for another great years with the people he kept close to his heart.

The group of five started eating cake and ended up smearing frosting over everyone’s faces. Aiba was running around the kitchen, avoiding Nino who was ready to push his face into a slice of cake. Matsujun and Sho were laughing their butts off and Ohno tried to help Nino grab the birthday boy. Everyone ended up ganging up on Aiba, wiping frosting all over his face.

“Ah!!!” Aiba yelled, trying to defend himself from his friends. They all were laughing and enjoying themselves. Within a couple of hours, the members called it a night.

“Eh, do you guys have to really go?” The tallest member pouted.

“We’re sorry Aiba~,” Matsujun, Nino and Ohno bowed. “We all have projects to do again tomorrow morning.”

“Besides,” Nino smirked. “You and Sho-chan might want some quality time.” The brat winked.

“Oi! Nino, shut up,” Aiba turned beet red as the others laughed.

Sho came up behind Aiba and looked at his friends. “Eh? Did I miss something?”

“Nothing Sho-chan~” The three grinned and said their final good byes and greetings, leaving the two love birds home.

The pair began cleaning up, Aiba washing his face and the dishes and Sho beginning to throw away all the trash that was left behind. The old man turned and found Aiba’s back facing him. He smiled, making his way to the figure and wrapped his arms around him. The younger man jumped a little in surprised, but smiled and continue to finish the remaining dishes in the sink.

“Ne, Aiba,” Sho nuzzled his face into the others neck. “Did you enjoy your little party?”

“Of course, Sho! I always have fun with everybody!” Aiba grinned and kissed the top of Sho’s head and began drying his hands. “Yosh~! I’m finished.”

“Eh, you missed a spot of frosting~,” Sho whispered, gently licking the icing off of Aiba’s cheek. The latter shivered, his face becoming red again. He turned and faced Sho who was grinning.

“T-Thanks Sho-chan,” Aiba smiled, wrapping his arms around the man. Sho tightened his grip, giving the latter a nice, long kiss on the lips. Just when things were about to get interesting, Sho broke the kiss and released his hold on Aiba. Before the man could say anything, the older man interrupted him.

“I almost forgot! Close your eyes,” Sho smiled and waited till the man did as he was told. Aiba raised an eyebrow wondering what on earth his lover had in mind. Aiba covered his eyes as the older man guided him to the living room.

“I’ll be right back,” Sho left the man in the living room, eyes still covered. Within a minute or two, the older man returned and prompted Aiba to open his eyes. The man’s eyes adjusted to the light and found something quite remarkable in front of him. A new pet puppy.

“Uwah!!!” Aiba rushed to the small dog, finding it amusing to see how the animal fit in his hands perfectly.

“Isn’t this a Shiba cut Pomeranian?!” Aiba grinned and continued to play with his gift. Sho nodded, happy to see his lover ecstatic about the gift he had prepared for him. The couple played with the dog a bit, already teaching her how to jump and sit. After a while, the puppy fell asleep from all the fun the three of them had. Aiba gently laid the animal on the couch and quietly made his way to the sink to wash his hands. He made his way back up to his room, finding Sho already getting ready for bed. He felt his face grow warm, finding his lover throwing his shirt off, tossing it into the pile of dirty laundry.

Aiba stared at Sho’s amazing body. His eyes gazed at his lean structure, scanning every tone muscle and his milky skin. Sho stood up, facing the mirror and looked up and found Aiba’s reflection behind him. He smirked as he saw the man’s expression. Aiba was biting his lip and his eyes filled with lust. The older man turned casually, walking towards the younger man.

“Ne, something wrong Aiba-chan?” Sho smirked. Aiba’s eyes gazed lower, finding Sho’s jeans hanging loosely on his hips, exposing the waistband of his black boxer briefs. Aiba’s body tensed as Sho cupped his face and stared straight into his eyes. “You know Aiba,” his lips were dangerously close to his, “it’s your birthday and you can ask for anything.”

Sho pressed his lips against Aiba’s, tasting his sweet lips. The younger man nervously wrapped his arms around the older man’s neck, opening his mouth a little more. He felt Sho smirk against his lips as his tongue slipped into his mouth and felt arms wrapping around his body. Their tongues tangled against one another, fighting for dominance. Sho moved his leg in between Aiba‘s, grinding up on the man. Aiba moaned into the kiss quietly and the older man broke the wet kiss. The younger man was flustered from the heated kiss, closing his eyes as he felt Sho’s lips pressing against his neck.

“H-hmmm…” He felt shiver coming down his spine as the newscaster began snipping at his skin.

Sho brought his lips back up to the man’s ear quietly whispering, “You still haven’t answered my question….” The older man tugged on his ear playfully and moved back down his neck and shoulders.

Aiba closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation. “P-Play with me…..” Sho looked up at the man, smiling as he brought the man to their bed and laid him down. His eyes observed Aiba’s handsome face and kissed his lips once more.

He slipped his hands under the younger man’s shirt, his cold touch sending goose bumps down Aiba’s spine. Slowly, he pulled off the man’s shirt and gazed at the beautiful body the latter had. He bent down, leaving a trail of kiss down his neck and shoulder. He paused for a moment, playfully biting on the younger man’s birthmark.


The older moved on to the birthday boy’s collarbone. He licked the flesh and sucked it hard, leaving a mark for all to see. Unexpectedly, Aiba thrusted his hips forward and craved for more friction. The man slightly chuckled, holding down Aiba.

“Now, now Aiba. Be patient….” Sho ever slowly made his way down the younger man’s chest, tongue overlapping the bud. Another groan escaped Aiba’s lips as he felt Sho pinch his other nipple and his free hand groping his bulge playfully. The man began to kiss Aiba’s lower abdomen as his hand slowly pulled down the younger man’s sweatpants. Sho looked down at the growing erection in Aiba’s boxer-briefs and smirked.

“T-Tsk Sho….S-stop teasing me already,“ Aiba whined as he felt Sho’s lips against his cock, still covered from his underwear. Sho bit down on the spandex of the material, slowly pulling the fabric down with his teeth. Aiba watched in amazement, wanting to shove his cock down the rapper’s throat.

He whinced at the sudden contact. Sho gently licking the tip of the cock and sucked the oozing liquid that was already being released.

“F-Fuck…S-Sho….” Aiba’s hands gripped and twisted the bed sheets. The older man began to lick Aiba‘s entire length, fingers playing his balls. He gripped Aiba’s cock and began to slowly jerk him off. Sho’s plump lips wrapped around him, sucking the man clean. Aiba moaned, hands gripping the man’s hair and thrusting slightly into that warm mouth. Sho smirked, licking his lips clean of the delicious taste of Aiba’s.

“Mmmm….You always tasted so good, Masaki…”

“Sho…I want you inside me…..p-please…” The plea made Sho want to torture the man a little more. He pressed his dirtied fingers against Aiba’s lips. The younger man stared into Sho’s eyes, both craving for want. Erotically, Aiba opened his mouth, tasting his own cum on the two digits. His tongue circled around the fingers, sucking and licking them clean. Sho withdrew his hand, pushing his wet digits into his entrance.

“U-Ugh..” The younger man arched his back in pleasure, moaning for more. “S-Sho….”

“Keep moaning my name, Masaki…” Sho smirked and thrusted his fingers faster and deeper inside Aiba.

“S-Sho..” His breathing was getting faster. “Sho…..U-Uh…..Sho…f-fuck Sho!” Aiba yelled in pleasure, feeling Sho’s cock suddenly inside of him. The older man crashed his lips against Aiba, thrusting deep into the young man. The kiss was messy, tongues overlapping one another and traveling down to each others napes. Aiba bit hard on the latter’s shoulder as he felt moving faster.

“A-Aiba….You’re so tight. N-nghh,” Sho winced at the pleasure running through his veins. He picked up one of the birthday boy’s legs and held his thigh to his waist. He felt himself moving deeper inside Aiba, both sending both lovers closer to the edge. Moans filled the heated room, Aiba grabbed his member and pumped it in the rhythm of Sho’s movements.

Their bodies moved faster, eyes closed tight from never ending pleasure. They repeated each others names and whispered words of love. They came together, Aiba onto his hand and stomach and Sho deep inside Aiba.

The older man pressed their foreheads together, smiling sweetly as he laid on top of him.

Aiba looked into his eyes, smiling innocently as he tried to control his breathing. He pressed their lips together, giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

“I love you…..” Aiba wrapped his arms around the man’s neck. Sho chuckled and kissed his forehead.
“Happy birthday, Masaki,” Sho kissed his lips and held him close. He removed the drenched hair covering his lover’s face and smiled. “I love you too.”


Uwahh~! It's been too long since I've written smut! hahaha Hope you guys still enjoyed it♥

Anywho, as always....I apologize for any fail here. Like my grammar, awkward sentences etc. etc.

Look out for a Sakumoto fic for Sho's birthday! -cough-smut-cough, cough- Almost finished with it! I also have some drabbles and one-shots I think? I'll be posting that when the time comes as well~

Happy late birthday to Aiba! &&Hope you guys had an amazing holidays and New Years~!!!♥ I just's been a year since I've started writing LOL Please continue to support the always disappearing and failing me! m(_ _)m Thank you for always reading and commentined♥&hearts I hope 2011 bring nothing but joy and wonderful events for you~!<3


fic: sakurai sho/aiba masaki, r: nc-17

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