
Jan 01, 2011 01:34

Title: Attraction
Pairing: Ninomiya Kazunari/Aiba Masaki
Author: dino_rawr122
Summary: The last day of Arashi’s tour in the famous Kokuritsu. It was the first time in history where a famous group, Arashi, would perform for four consecutive days at this national building. Aiba of course, comes up with something much more memorable for this day.
Disclaimer: Own nothing yo! Just this wonderful brain of mine xD Made for Aibaka's birthday [/late] and for my lovely Ate Aya♥ syri_chii

Aiba Masaki and Ninomiya Kazunari have known each other for years. There was something a little special between the friendship the two had.

Yes, they teased each other like any group of friends. Yes, they hit each other playfully to get some laughs.

But there was something more between the abuses they gave each other. At least, that’s what Aiba thought.

He was in Nino’s home, sitting on that familiar couch playing that familiar game. Their eyes were glued to the screen, playing Super Mario Galaxy 2. It was the final boss stage, Nino finally passed the first level and now he needed to beat Bowser one more time. Just as he was about to start the new round, the older man suddenly paused the game

“W-Wait! I wanna play Nino!” Aiba grinned and tried to grab the wii remote from the smaller figure.

“No! You’re going to waste my life!”

“C’mon Nino! All I did was grab your stupid coins and star bits. I wanna beat him!”

"...and you did a good job doing what the second player does.” Aiba pouted, crossing his arms across his chest. Nino sighed and gave the older man the remote, already regretting giving into the older man’s suggestion.

It wasn’t even a three minutes. Scratch that. In less then one minute Aiba miraculously kills poor Mario. The older man nervously turned his head and looked at the dumb folded man next to him.

“…U-Uhm…N-Nino?” He could swear he saw a piece of the gamer’s soul break that very moment.

“Aiba! You idiot!”

“I’m sorry!!” They laughed at Aiba’s amazing fail.

The two spent the rest of the day together, talking about past memories and what they should eat for dinner. A sudden topic came to Aiba’s mind and he looked at his friend, a little nervous to say what’s on his mind.

The younger man noticed his friend’s expression. “Something the matter Aiba?”
Aiba froze for a second and tried to act normal. “You know what Nino?”


His heart was beginning to beat faster. “W-We should do something together.”

“….What do you think we’re doing right now, baka,” Nino chuckled and looked up from his DS.

“No, no, no! I mean at our concerts.” He paused for a moment. Aiba was worried about the response he would get from his friend. Nino was his best friend, he wouldn’t want to dare ruin that special relationship he had with his childhood friend.

“Go on…..” Nino put down the handheld console and sat up, giving Aiba his full attention.
“I was thinking. W-We rarely do anything on our concerts you know. Like, it’s usually you and Ohno, or you and Sho, then there’s Sho and Me, and Matsujun and Ohno and sometimes me….depending how he feels! Hahaha.” Aiba was doing his best to keep his words straight and avoid showing how embarrassed with what he was going to say.

“So, I thought you and me should do something together!” He felt his face become warm and hoped Nino didn’t notice the blush across his cheeks.


“I knew it was a bad idea- wait. What?”

“I said sure. Why not, I do rarely get paired with you anyways!” Nino grinned and brought his attention back to game.

“G-Great!!” Aiba couldn’t express how happy he was. “Don’t you wanna talk about what we’re going to do then?”

“Naaaa, you can come up with something during the MC. I’ll just go along with it. Beside,
I’ll just treat you like how you always are.” Nino smirked and sang, “an iddiioottt~~~!” Aiba whacked his friend as they laughed together. He couldn’t wait for the next concert.

And it happened. The best friends starting showing more contact with on another. Holding hands walking across the grand stage, chasing each other, giving each other playful winks and hugging one another whenever they passed each other. The MC was finally starting and Aiba couldn’t help but grow a little nervous.

It started like usual, Sho introducing them as ARASHI and asking the fans to take a seat and enjoy the talk. The five started talking about daily evens that happened in their life, whether it be about how burnt Ohno skin was or about how Sho ended up walking into the door that lead to their greenroom. The subject started to drift off into the past mistakes they’ve done and they all laughed. Nino took his chance to make Aiba his victim.

“Ne, you know Aiba-chan? This guy,” He looked to the audience as he continued to talk. “He’s such an idiot.”

“Oi!!” Aiba caught on what Nino was thinking, he could only laugh. “I didn’t make any mistakes today!

“What are you talking about? You totally barged into the shower with me!” There was a squee of joy coming from the audience.

“Yeah, this guy, he thought the concert was about to start in twenty minutes so he took a shower with me! We had over an hour left!” The members were laughing at Aiba’s cute stupidity.

“Hey! I told you to keep it a secret! I’ll beat you up for spilling the beans about us!” Aiba laughed and flashed that grin, causing another scream of joy from the audience.

“Don’t talk to me like that! You talk like you have no manners!” Nino smirked and began to run away from the tall figure.

“Hey!” Aiba yelled as he chanced the young man. “Hey!!!” He yelled again and snatched the younger man’s wrist. He pulled him close and Nino didn’t know how to react.

“Come here~!” Aiba grinned, giving Nino a quick kiss on the lips. There was a roar of noise coming from the audience. The older man stared into the man’s shocked expression and gave a sweet smile.

He turned around and faced the other members announcing, “We learned this from the Dachou Club! Hahaha!” The others laughed and carried on the MC. Aiba looked back and found the brat a little quieter than usual. He gave a wink to the latter and Nino began to act like nothing out of the usual happened.

It was another night accomplished and their Kokuritsu concerts were finally wrapped up. The five members gave two more encores before leaving the stadium that was filled their their fans. They thanked everyone again and left the stage.

The members all began to make their way home and say their goodbyes. Nino on the other hand waited for Aiba.

When Aiba left the greenroom, he was surprised to find Nino waiting for him outside.

“Eh? What are you doing here still Nino?” He smiled as he watched the younger man move toward him. Aiba’s eyes widen as he saw his friend go on the tips of his toes and felt his lips suddenly against his own. The older man smiled against his lips and wrapped his arms around the small figure.

“That….That’s for catching me off guard earlier.” Nino smirked, face red from the embarrassment.

“Let’s…go home then,” Aiba smiled and held on the man’s hand. Nino smiled a little, leaning onto Aiba's arm as he laced their fingers together.

That was the day their relationship with each other grew into something more…


Happy Birthday Aibaka!!!! &&I hope you all had an amazing holiday and New Years~!!
&&if anyone is interested, I made a screencap dump on my real journal, right over heerrree~~

As always, I'm sorry for any fail that goes on in this fic. Such as grammar, akward sentences, etc. etc.

I hope you all continue to support me and accept me for disappearing like always! xDDD
Thank you always for reading and commenting♥♥
&&Look forward to some Sakumoto -cough-smut-cough,cough- on SHO'S BIRTHDAY♥ I'm in the middle of writing it right now and almost done! \^o^/
I've writting a lot of little drabbles here and I think one-shots? I'll be sure to post them when time comes<3 Take Care guys and hope your year is filled with joy and greatness.
With love,
Dino aka Cy Cy

fic: ninomiya kazunari/aiba masaki

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