We all heard the cheap shots at Chris during the show last night, and
here is their latest addition to the Hemsworth smear campaign (not to mention the Today Tonight story tonight where they labelled Chris as too confident until he performed - read: cocky). ETA: And the article says Chris danced the Quickstep when in fact, they did the Rumba this week. Idiots.
I mean *obviously* Mr and Mrs Hemsworth have a lot to answer for. How *dare* they combine their genes and make a good looking son. Sheesh. What were they *thinking*! Didn't they know this would hinder his chances of winning a crappy celeb dancing competition show a couple of decades later?
I'm not going to deny that his hotness is a contributing factor to my fangirling. It's a given. But I also think Chris is hilarious, observant (especially when it comes to celebrity and soap programming) and probably a lot more intelligent than people give him credit for. He has a good grasp of his character and probably knows more than the writers, which isn't hard, but still. He champions Kim, even if the show sucks. He's playful and fun with Jason.
And the thing I love most? The thing that made me begin to like and respect *Hemsworth* as much as I loved Kim? Was that, sure, he was a crappy actor to begin with, but he dedicated himself to *improving*. He took NIDA classes and workshops and after a while you could actually see them paying off (a message which a certain fangirl champ passed on to him, for which I am very grateful).
Now, bless him, he's still not a *great* actor, but he did improve and I count that as an achievement. I hope Chris does, too. I also hope he continues trying to improve himself throughout his career.
Let's compare that to what Chris was talking about last night - how he knows he's not very good at dancing but he's there to *learn* and he *wants* to learn, and all he's hoping for is an improvement each week. (Doesn't sound very cocky, does it?)
I do *not* want these assholes to cut Chris down like that when he's trying so damn hard. Not just because of this stupid fucking show, but because I don't want Chris to *ever* give up. I don't want him to ever think there's not point in trying to improve yourself when everybody's just going to dismiss you as a pretty boy with nothing but 13 year old fangirls keeping your career afloat. Just little stuff he's said lately, and in past interviews, gives me the feeling that he's a tad sensitive about stuff like that. And fine, Channel 7, if you don't want him to win, just rig the votes another way. Do *not* ruin the guy's future for the sake of another season of this truly awful excuse for entertainment.
Interesting that the latest website article goes on about him not getting through on dancing ability, then criticises the way he pronounces syllables. Like *that* has anything to do with dancing, either. These people are more cheap and tacky than Naomi Robson, man. With even less credibility.
And a message to Channel 7, New Idea and who the fuck ever this mystery insider is: Not all his fans are so young. Some of us are even, wow, old enough to menstruate. And some of these fans are consquently suffering from PMS. And trust me on this - you do *not* wanna piss them me off right now.
Dude, we totally need "Hemmo's Army of Tweens" member icons or something. They wanna give me a label, I might as well wear it.