So, Heath Ledger as the Joker. Thoughts? (it's not a spoiler if it's all over the news headlines, right?)
I have a feeling he will either suck, or completely blow everyone away with his awesomeness, and we probably won't know until we sit down to watch the movie.
It's just...Heath's not exactly the most *vibrant* personality out there, is he? Love him to death - he's a H&A kid after all - but, yeah. He's a little...subdued. But this is why I'd like to think he will be the freakiest, scariest motherfucker you have ever seen once he's *on*.
Kyle XY Ep 6
Awwww, *snuggles Kyle*. Poor, sweet boy with no birthday or belly button. He almost made me cry with his little outburst at Josh, and I really love the interactions in this family - Kyle included. This ep wasn't as fun, but I think we can officially slash Kyle with Declan now. *g* Declan has been pulled into the family as well as my field of fannish vision - no longer an outsider - and I want to learn more about him. Nice twist, too, with the cause of his wounds, because they turned that abused kid plot device on it's head, gave Declan more flaws, and made him more interesting and perhaps even more redeemable in the process. It was actually quite clever.
I also love the way this show deals with sex. It's so open, not preachy, but not overpromoting it, either. There's a nice balance there where the kids are *allowed* sexuality (Josh and his porn mags, for example), but it's nice to see them learn it's not the most important part of growing up. I hope Lori and Declan keep that friend thing going for a little bit longer, because it really does show the strength and maturity in Lori that even Nicole picked up on. And I think it'd be good for Declan, too.
The other thing I find refreshing is that the characters are only *just* starting to wonder about Kyle in that sci-fi/conspiracy way (well, apart from Josh and his alien theories). It makes the universe seem that little bit more real - that they're not instantly going to think "OMG CLONE!11" or "SECRET LABS!", and instead naturally conclude that Kyle's just a regular yet gifted kid with amnesia, becuase that's the normality of their world.
Oh, what does "781227" mean? Gah! And Krycek is totally a good guy who seems bad right now, right? He's gotta be.