Why? Okay, I love and adore QaF US so maybe I shouldn't be negative but...no, dammit, I saw what those guys did to Coupling! Still see it late at night when my guard is down and it pops up on the television to torture me.
So, yes, why? Why the need to remake one of the best and original shows of the year? Are US audiences truly that ignorant of the rest of the world that they won't understand British slang and pop culture references? C'mon, despite it's crossover audience, this show is sci fi at heart, and we all know sci fi viewers are able to pick up new concepts to the extent that they can have encyclopedic knowledge of other fictional *worlds*. This show would be nothing.
Sometimes I actually prefer living in Australia, you know. Because we get a mix of local, British and US shows (plus the foreign language stuff on SBS, but let's focus on western culture hypocritically *g*), we're not so much culturally divided by them.
Meh. We all know I'll download and watch this thing should it get off the ground. Just expect comparisons. And don't expect Mr. Kelley to come out on top.