(no subject)

Nov 13, 2009 00:05

I have this ridiculous fear of things crawling on me. Now, bugs generally occupy the front-runners in that category, but there's this...thing living in my ceiling that is quickly approaching the top of the list of creepy shit I don't want crawling on me. Probably because I don't know what it looks like, only what it sounds like, and my imagination has always been my downfall when it comes to worst case scenarios. But seriously, does it have to be nocturnal? why can't it go around crawling and making noise when I'm being loud enough to cover its noises? hmm? would that be too much to ask? I mean, I am providing a roof over its head.

in less crazy-making news, I seriously love glee, and I can't wait for dollhouse to come back. Those two thoughts were originally unrelated, but I remember reading that joss is going to direct an episode of glee at some point? ugh, now I can't remember where it was I read that, and to top it all off, I sort of got the impression from some of the press I've read that they'd finished filming glee. which doesn't really make any sense, unless it was the first 13 episodes. Like, the original order, maybe? I don't know. I do know that I'm glad that it's back on the air. I love me some SYTYCD, for sure, but. Well, several things. First of all, Mary has pretty much gone into the sphere of I don't give a crap anymore because the way she speaks is annoying--she's screechy, tries to do the fakeout 'i hate that...i can't say anything bad about it! ahh!' thing all the damn time, and she speaks in this tempo that suggests she's throwing in critiques about technique because she is contractually obligated. Second, Nigel is a pompous ass, and that never bothered me as much as it has this season. Third, Adam Shankman is freakin awesome. He makes up for the crappy judges comments from the other two. I in fact watch the show DVR'd, and just fast forward once adam's done talking. Fourth, Cat rocks the house, and continues to be good fun.

For some reason, height-difference humor never stops cracking me up--well, not height jokes or anything, just when there's someone short in a scene or whatever with someone who's pretty tall. I love that the freakish height difference between Rachel and Finn is never spoken of. Dancers that come up to Cat's ribcage crack me up. I don't think the short people ever look particularly short, nor the tall people particularly tall until they're standing side-by-side, and then ...i dunno, it always makes me crack a smile.

I'm starting to freak out a little on the inside for various reasons, among them are chiefly that the semester is coming to a disturbingly rapid close, and that I don't particularly care for hospitals. I don't like being tied to the IV pole, or being out of my own clothes. That's my winter break, is why that's on my mind--the inpatient thing in MI is becoming much less of a 'maybe' the more days that pass and I continue to feel the same/worse. But there are papers! long ones! and fieldwork that requires, you know, talking to people! people i don't know.
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