Jan 26, 2010 16:17
So thesis progress has been derailed this week by the search for a job. There's a position for teaching freshman comp at a two year college nearby, and the deadline is Friday. I have little chance with just a master's (there's quite a few unemployed PH.d. candidates with more credentials and more debt) but it gives me an excuse to put together my CV and teaching philosophy. The CV surprised me, I have more experience than I thought I did, and that might explain why a lot of the professors here and my colleagues think that I'm a PH.d. candidate. I'm older and I've taught before. I've made some lovely friends in the MA program, highly motivated, over-achievers who went straight from undergrad to grad and are already applying to Ph.d. programs. They're younger and harder working and some have never had a job outside of academia. So I find myself having more in common with the Ph.d. folks who are married or took a couple years to figure things out. So here's where I start to value my non-academic experiences. At least they make me interesting.
I should mention for everyone that there is again a third roommate in the house, but where the last time we had a third it was a horrible disaster, this guy is now a part of the family. His name is Adam, and he's ridiculously nice and cheerful. He came back to Athens after teaching in Japan with JET (I don't know what town, little town on one of the islands, but i'll ask) and needed a place. Since he doesn't own anything, he fit into the house nicely and doesn't seem to mind me taking up most of his closet. And while he settled into Athens again we even talked him into auditioning for a Town & Gown show.
I'm missing theater but not the board. Starting in January I resigned from working on the membership committee, and that means Cord has had to take over my job. Once I graduate I'll get involved again, but right now I have to work on my destiny.