Freedom at last

May 06, 2005 01:24

Don't let it slip away
Raise your drinkin' glass
Here's to yesterday

Well Today was my last exam!!!! finally!!!!
After all this hard work, I must admit I was a bit at a loss as to what to do with my life....Then 4 magical letters drifted into my head





So off to the Kilroy's I go!!!!!
And what a nite, pool, laughter, good friends, good times, and the opportunity to see Grant slammerd outta his mind!!!!
"Even Morgan is starting to look good" - Grant
Awwww that was great.

It's so nice to be able to concentrate on the finer things in sexying my self up for my hot date on Sat...that is gonna be a blast I can tell already :)

I have a whole 2 months of freedom to work with....hmmmm maybe i should make a to-do list:

DAnMAN's Summer TO-Do List

-Get shitfaced
-Work on self image (ie make myself Hot :) lol yeah right!!)
-Get shitfaced
-Make lots and lots of money
-Get shitfaced
-Use money to buy Chief Reflect's house
-Get shitfaced with Chief Reflect in his house

Yep I think thats do'able lol
Ok enough of this writing about shit its time to take action and actually do something.....ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz
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