whatcha gonna do with all that junk?

Aug 08, 2021 23:46

I've gotta remember to tell Em3 that I'm taking Roland to the garage Tuesday - hopefully everything will be one that day, but if they keep it until Wednesday, it's probably good to warn her a bit in advance. I should probably hit the ATM on the way to the garage - it's literally on the way - just in case I need cab fare. sometimes the garage runs me back & forth, but not always, depending on how busy thing are.

On Tuesday I received a request from the property company for proof of renter's insurance, which I sent on Wednesday. Sunday, I got an e-mail stating I was Out of Compliance. I've absolutely no idea what happened, I used the addy I've been using all long, which I know works because I sent an e-mail about the upcoming annual inspection and got a reply. So, did it not go through somehow? Did it end up in spam? Did it not get forwarded to the correct person? Guess I'll find out Monday (I hope). But seriously, why freak out when it's not even been one week since the notice went out? So, I resent it to the usual addy, plus the one sending the Out of Compliance e-mail (which bounced back, it's apparently automated only).

Grazing Goats and Sheep Help Uncover Historic Headstones in Ireland - Thanks in part to the animals’ work, the committee has registered more than 400 headstones in the old cemetery. Among the discoveries was the grave of a 2-year-old girl who died on October 7, 1872. The rediscovered headstone reads, “Maria Kate Russel, Aged 2 yrs, 5 months and 15 days. Her father, Crp. George Russel, Royal Engineers, Camden Fort Meagher, was present when she passed.”

Tons of adoptions! Mostly cats & dogs (but not all)

Elyse of SBTB discusses Knitting the Fandom, sharing photos and links to her favorite fandom-related knitting patterns. I know if I were a knitter, I'd probably be interested in some of these cool projects.

Question of the Day
Which holiday is your favorite to decorate for?
I don't honestly decorate a ton for most of them - it's usually just me at home, and while I'll often do something at work, it's gotta be small. with few visitors and no kids, I don't often make a huge deal out of it at home either. though my sister's bringing me a little fake tree lat year encouraged me to drag out the old (some v.v. old) ornaments, and I did enjoy the festive look - I'll probably keep doing that, and maybe a few more bits, but doubt I'll start going whole hog for every single holiday/event.

rathany linked to this excellent video comparing media's inclusion of LGBTQIA+ characters/issues between the late 70s and the early 80s - starting by comparing episodes of Starksy & Hutch & Murder She Wrote - 'Why gay bars went from realistic to bizarre in TV'. it's a great historical look at TV, but also how American society in general affected what TV showed us. I remember much of what was going on then,but hadn't ever considered how that shaped TV's representation of gays. Gay Bar Murder Mysteries, from Starsky & Hutch to Murder She Wrote - In 1977, the popular cop show Starsky and Hutch tackled a murder mystery centered around a Los Angeles gay bar, complete with a depiction of queer life that’s surprisingly nuanced for the late 70s. Then, less than a decade later, an episode of Murder She Wrote featured a similar storyline, but this time the setting is … well, not quite so realistic. So why are they so different? Well, something big happened in American culture between these two episodes that completely transformed TV gay bars. And it involved a presidential election, a pie, and messages from space.

2,400-Year-Old Baskets Still Filled With Fruit Found in Submerged Egyptian City
Wicker vessels recovered from the ruins of Thônis-Heracleion contain doum nuts and grape seeds
Researchers investigating the submerged metropolis of Thônis-Heracleion, in the Egyptian bay of Abū Qīr, have discovered wicker fruit baskets dated to the fourth century B.C.E.

Incredibly, the vessels still contain doum nuts-the fruit of an African palm tree considered sacred by the ancient Egyptians-and grape seeds.

Great animal pics - mostly cute, sometimes amazing

For some reason in the past couple of weeks, I keep having random memories of Old Wives Tales - that was my fave restaurant in town, a staple in my life for decades (I was first there in my early 20s). But oddly enough, most of those memories aren't about the excellent food, or the many times I met friends there, *waves* but of their small parking lot. It was bordered by wild blackberry buses on two sides - and I keep having visual flashes of the lot and those bushes. I wonder why?

Per my sister, "Teddy likes to watch stuff then try to explain it. Like water polo ... it's like soccer in a pool was the best she could come up with." after he couldn't figure it out on his own. I think that's a reasonable explanation for a still-three year old. His family likes soccer, and they go to see Timbers/Thorns play when in Oregon. I wonder if they ever go to games in Arizona.

Bibliophiles, rejoice! 9th August is Book Lovers Day! Whether you love facts or fiction, poetry or prose, epic novels or comic strips, this is the day to indulge in your favourite pastime.

teddy, meme, gay

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