this book was ghostwritten by my wondrous mustache

Aug 09, 2020 00:18

Bibliophiles, rejoice! 9th August is Book Lovers Day! Whether you love facts or fiction, poetry or prose, epic novels or comic strips, this is the day to indulge in your favourite pastime.

I'm not sure why my body has apparently decided that ~4 hours is the longest it will sleep at one go. I mean, it's better than the 2 hours at a time I could snatch during Trombley, but it isn't a long restful night of snoring. Anymore, I feel damn lucky to sleep 5 hours, and amazingly fortunate if I can make it 6 or so. I laid down shortly after 10:00 pm Friday, and woke around 2:00 am, done with sleep for a while. I tried again around 5:30 am, and while waiting to drift off Olivier joined me in bed! This is the first time in months and it made me so happy to have him recreate his usual routine of walking across the pillow above my head and make himself at home. He moved about a bit and only stayed maybe 10 minutes, but it was still a start. Here's hoping it happens again soon - I've missed the furry bastard.

Pretty kitties and good looking guys equals good viewing, right? The #hotdudeswithkittens Instagram is here to serve!

Researching batteries for mom's scooter, I found several places that sell a replacement battery pack, so you don't have to worry about installing replacement batteries inside the pack, with the wiring and all (though I also found a YouTube DIY guide on that if you're feeling handy). Anyway, places sell the ready-to-install packs, and I was amused as hell by one that had a bright red 'sale' price - except it was a whopping $1 lower than the struck-through 'regular' price.

Because I sheep, therefore I meme:
5 x 5 meme, as seen in
misbegotten's journal

5 Things You'll Find In My Refrigerator:
1. orange juice
2. sweet pickle relish
3. blackberry jam
4. diet pepsi
5. sausages

5 Things On My To Be Read Pile:
1. The Invisible Library - Genevieve Cogman
2. An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good - Helene Tursten
3. Two Rogues Make a Right - Cat Sebastian
4. Danced Close - Annabeth Albert
5. Red, White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston

5 Things You'll Find in My Living Room:
1. my TV
2. antique cedar chest
3. cat toys all over the floor
4. standing fan
5. antique school desk (serving as end table)

5 Things I Ought To Do:
1. vacuum
2. research mom's scooter repair
3. tidy the kitchen
4. clean bathroom
5. write postcards to mail Monday

5 Things I Will Do:
1. nap
2. watch hockey
3. write postcards
4. sort clean clothes so I know what I've got
5. e-mail my sister

I McGuyvered a way to support Olivier's perch in the kitchen window - the combination of it being cantilevered from the central support and his pudge meant it had become less stable over time. I put an empty copy paper carton on end, filled it with some of the big Time/Life books and propped the sucker up good. Shouldn't be a problem to hold him now - the next task is to convince him that it's safe to try again; he'd given up on it a couple weeks back, and he's a stubborn idiot. I put some tuna in a dish and put it on the shelf - he was interested but didn't follow it, so I ended up scooping him up and putting him in front of it. The shelf proved perfectly stable, and he ate the fish then hopped down. I'll keep my eyes out to see if I see him up there enjoying the view; if not, I'll try the treat thing again in a couple of days.

I always smile at those "puppy or bagel" type photo collages - here's a collection of them, featuring different animals and foodstuffs

Watching a cooking show, folks kept putting citrus (lemon or lime juice) into all sorts of unexpected dishes - like in a pizza topping and burgers. Of course that got me thinking about Rodney; I've no idea why his fictional allergy has apparently stuck with me so sincerely, but it definitely has.

When you think of Great Artists, you naturally think of raccoons first. Have some trash pandas showing off their mad artistic skillz.

I noticed the noon news on a local channel began running "Local Steals and Deals" a while back - not sure exactly when, but I don't recall it being a thing six months ago. Of course, I've been home at noon a whole lot more in the past four months, so who knows, maybe I just missed out. Anyway, despite the name it's obviously a canned shopping network-type thing, where the pitchwoman shills for some 'amazing' bargain on something you absolutely must have, despite never having heard of it before. I'm ok with that (though I think it's stupid) but something about her completely rubs me the wrong way and I frequently end up changing the channel as soon as the segment begins - which is counter the intent, I'd guess.

We Rate Dogs is a really fun twitter account, and their scoring of submitted dog photos is outstanding! Here's a collection of some terrific recent examples - but you should totally check out the main twitter account for updates on all the Very Best Doggos. And also check out Thoughts of Dog for deep doggish examination of the important stuff in life.

My sister sent me this great picture - the Good Humor Man book in the space ship - Vrooooooom !!!

teddy, #hotdudeswithkittens, meme

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