Zed's dead, baby

Aug 07, 2020 22:04

Saturday is International Cat Day - so here, have a picture of Olivier, doing what cats do best

Thursday there was an e-mail officially confirming that ACME will not reopen fully until at least November - so no classes, and probably no face-to-face home visiting. There will continue to be virtual contacts and assistance connecting families to needed services, but no kids in the building for another three months.

Another e-mail indicated that staff working must begin logging their time again; no one's been bothering since the beginning of the lockdown, we just were paid for our normal work hours. Nothing specific about if this is going to affect pay or not; I can see wanting to have a record of time actually worked, but I can also see that it could be a precursor to paying us only for hours actually worked. Leave has been accruing, and of course no one was using vacation or sick leave, even when I called out on a scheduled day it didn't affect my leave balance. But now we're supposed to notify supervisors, and maybe they'll start dinging people's leave for time missed. I sure hope neither of those pan out - no way I can survive on ~13 hours a week, and it would be a major pain to have to use sick leave if I couldn't make it in one day.

I'm tired (no nap today) so I think I'll toddle off to bed - so, posted a tad earlier than usual lately.

A lot of beautiful faces, happy to be adopted

Birx Warns of Troubling Coronavirus Trends in 9 Cities
Increasing positivity rates are a ‘pretty good predictor’ of future surges, Anthony Fauci said.

The nine cities are Baltimore, Atlanta, Kansas City, Portland, Omaha, Chicago, Boston, Detroit and Washington, D.C. Birx also expressed concern about California's Central Valley, according to a copy of the Wednesday call obtained by The Center for Public Integrity.

Hearing Portland is on the list is obviously not reassuring! (I mean, it could be Maine, but I kinda doubt it). I am kinda interested in her thinking, as based on local news the really hot spots in Oregon don't seem to be in the Portland area. I mean, the numbers statewide are increasing, but not galloping in the Metro area currently.

Meet the leaf sheep, an oddly adorable sea slug. They are the only non-plant organism in the world that can perform photosynthesis.

I ordered a cute mask - bright cartoony little dinosaurs on black and was all excited that it arrived; except when I opened the envelope it was not cute dinos, but the lower part of Wolfman's face (I'm pretty sure, it could be another classic B/W monster). um, oops. So I contacted Redbubble - after several rounds of back & forth e-mails they're replacing it, except it's going to be weeks before the new one arrives. I'm not sure just why there's so much delay, but I'm pretty sure we'll still be masking up in September. And! I don't have to return the wrong one.

'Keep Portland Weird' Is Out. 'Don’t Fuck With Portland' Is In. - "Keep Portland Weird" had a good run, but it doesn't quite reflect the mettle of a town that just came out in droves to oppose a federal occupation. A tougher, more defiant slogan would speak better to the moment.

My sister's amazon order arrived (ALL the bubbles!), and she texted me that (Teddy) loved the good humor book and wanted ice cream for dinner. Nana had to say no. I tried to convince her that ice cream for dinner was perfectly reasonable, if not optimally nutritious, and she admitted she had kinda wanted it too. It's so cool that he loves a book that both of us adored as children, all those decades ago.

Citrus hats are all the rage, you know

Hearing repeatedly how mom was being badgered by comcast (because she wasn't paying the bill, because she got pissed with them calling & asking for dad because of the past due bill) and her saying Wednesday night that she was going to tell them to come pick up the equipment, she'd get services through the Village, I decided it might make sense to harvest her e-mail address book before the damn thing vanished. Good idea! There was an e-mail from them saying they were suspending services (which I'm not surprised by, as the past-due balance was over $500) - I'm just glad I could still get in. So I went through the address book to harvest contacts, for when/if she actually ever does get another computer and e-mail again. Told my sister, who is going to get to comcast and see if maybe she can get the account switched over to her instead; she's long been authorized on one of their bank accounts, and I guess she could pay it out of that.

Hockey RPF fic rec:
But You'd Look Good in a Cape by
Summary: In which Geno is not Sid's sidekick.

Baby's first hockey RPF fic!
this was a gift fic for me, but I'd rec it anyway, because it's funny fluff, and that's always appropriate!

Teen Wolf / SG-1 crossover fic rec:
Bring My Soul To Bear by
Summary: Dr. Lydia Martin took being read into the Stargate program pretty well, all things considered.

an intriguing possible future for Lydia - while I'd love to see what comes next, this ends in a good place, and my imagination works if I want to try to fill in the blanks

kitty!, acme, teddy, fic rec, political stuff, hockey rec, cv-19

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