make sure you know before you go, the dance floor bro-ho ratio

Dec 31, 2019 09:54

Happy New Year!

I hope you bring in 2020 in whatever way makes you happiest - raucous party, quiet evening at home, sound asleep. And here's to a cheerier year for us all.

Forgive my little meltdown yesterday afternoon - I was just so frustrated at the prospect of not being able to get online and settle in for several days; and I was tired and cranky after days of not sleeping well, and too much time with others.

The car is fixed, at no charge, even. I got to the garage a bit after 8:00, and was asked if I wanted to wait while they took a look. I had no plans, so why not? Less than 40 minutes later a mechanic came in and said it was all done - turns out that some shield under the car had come loose, and was dragging on the tire, mostly when I turned. So I was able to drive away less than an hour after I arrived, and it didn't cost me a dime - that's pretty cool. Now I can maybe get some erranding done this week! I've a few things I'd like to tick off the list, and now some might actually get done *g*

I was surprised that my mailbox was empty but it turned out that
sorchar had brought my mail in - several catalogs, two bills, and a sparkly card from

December Posting Meme:

james - What do you miss most about Portland of days gone by?
oh, so many things/places! a lot of the first to come to mind are places where I used to hang/socialize with friends. Old Wives Tales is primary here - I first visited the restaurant in the early 80s, and it quickly became a fave, both for the food and the gay-friendly atmosphere. it was always my go-to when people were visiting town, or for Sunday morning brunch. but there were lots of other familiar places which were great for hanging out. Hamburger Mary's downtown was a tiny place with a great curved counter and a handful of small tables, cluttered with kitschy stuff all over the walls and hanging from the ceiling; a great place to meet and drink coffee while people watching. they later moved out of downtown - the new place was larger and more upscale, though still fun and funky, and queer friendly. I didn't know for years that it became (was part of) a chain. Quality Pie was a classic diner, with older waitresses who literally would call one 'hon' and who didn't mind if you spent the night drinking coffee, as long you occasionally bought more fries or pie. it was *great* for people-watching, as a wide cross-section of folks patronized the place - long-time elderly residents, tons of gay guys who were gentrifying NW Portland, people stopping by after the bars closed, students and oddballs and street people. it was wonderful - as were the danishes & pies. and there were small shops and bookstores that provided me with essential (and nonessential) stuff and all sorts of books

Five days is too damn long - both for company and for guests. Not gonna do that again for a while! But spending that much time made it very clear just how badly both parents are doing - physically and mentally. The mental is more immediately obvious with dad, but it's becoming clearer that mom is also in pretty bad shape, and physically she seems worse off. There were some good moments and some nice (if brief) time with Teddy & Steph, but I spent hours reading on my tablet waiting for them to wake, and often in the evening as they dozed off in their chairs.

I'd taken my impending cross-stitch project with me, but there was no way to work on it - there's no side table by the guest chairs (no couch) and the dining table was covered with piles of 'stuff' for much of my visit - and those chairs aren't comfortable for long spates. Not that the wingback chair is fantastic, but it's at least padded.

In addition to the miniature kit (why?) and the bro's random assemblage, I got new bed pillows and some toys/treats for Olivier from my sister, some stationery and a school picture of Teddy (in a spiffy shirt and bow tie!) from Steph. it was a low-key holiday, though I was surprised by getting a check from the folks just before leaving. I can now officially stop panicking about every little bill. I hope to pay on some bills, and hang on to some so I have a cushion again. and then I might go wild and buy new underwear.

As frequently happens, I was not able to really dive into Yuletide until almost time for reveals - I started reading fic last night, and managed to skim through G before falling over in a heap (I really don't sleep well at my folks' place). So here are my first few recommendations:

Damar Series fic rec:
Myths of Damar by
Summary: In the peaceful years that followed, the myths of Damar continued to grow.

a lovely post-canon fic, just some friends sitting around the kitchen, talking

Devil's Cub fic rec:
a love so much refined by
Summary: "Your transformation into a doting husband astounds, but you must also be seen out and about in order to ensure no one questions the legitimacy of the story we've concocted."

a terrific coda to one of my fave novels since I discovered it as a teen - Dominic is smitten as hell and isn't afraid to let everyone know how perfect their marriage is

Dragonriders of Pern fic rec:
Rebirth Day by
Summary: There is nothing that Mikkiri, Senior Weyrwoman of High Reaches, loves so much as a Hatching. Each one seems to have its share of surprises.

it's Hatching Day!

Ferris Bueller's Day Off fic recs:
“But when they said, ‘Sit down,’ I stood up” by
Summary: Cameron grows up. They all do.

a thoughtful look at who the characters grow up to be - loved their voices in this

nobody else (is as easy to find) by
Summary: Sloan runs into Cameron on a shared flight back to Chicago. It's still the easiest thing ever.

a great unanticipated reunion shows they've still got so much to talk about (and it's not *all* about Ferris)

From The Mixed-Up Files Of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler fic recs:
A Further Addendum to the Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by
Summary: On the Monday before the Thanksgiving school break, Jamie Kincaid received a package in the mail.

life in Greenwich is a bit of a letdown after their adventure - but a mystery and new adventure find Jamie and Claudia without their even looking. this perfectly captures the tone, and Mrs. Frankweiler's letters to Saxonberg are amazing

Treasure Trove by
Summary: Nearly twenty years after Claudia Kincaid ran away to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, she’s still making sure that treasures find their way to the people who will love them the most

some people don't deserve the things they have

and there is a new Ghost Soup Infidelstory! I cannot claim to understand the fandom, but the 'fans' themselves are an endless source of amusement *g*

fic rec, mail, meme

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