God fucking dammit!

Dec 30, 2019 16:36

Got home late afternoon, said good-byes to my sister, Steph and Teddy and lured Olivier out of hiding with nims. Changed clothes and figured I'd catch up on y'all. Except, my laptop won't connect to Wi-Fi. Did the troubleshooting things and it's working fine, and the tablet connects - so it's not the modem. The damn laptop is only just 3 years old! I know they're not intended to last long anymore, but one would hope for slightly longer.

At least I got a check from the folks this afternoon, so I can afford to replace it.

But there goes my plan for comfortable surfing this week. Dammitalltohell

NEVER MIND - thought I'd check one last time before turning the laptop off, and it connected just fine. i give up - but I wonder if I should buy a replacement now, as I've got cash?
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