Oct 23, 2005 03:18
More randomness from my life... or lack thereof.
Symphony - WOOT stayed second chair! And since Sam wasn't there, that meant I got to play all the annoying solos in Second Movement of First Suite, but I also got to play the solos in the rest of the Holst piece. Unfortunately, since she wasn't there, I had to be THE First Trumpet and got hardly any rest whatsoever, and I actually think I may have moved some of my teeth from putting too much pressure on my chops... not good. Retainers went back in right after I got home.
Following Symphony - more good music news. Since we have our homecoming football game coming up this Friday, which I'll be playing for, I realized that I wouldn't be able to survive the night playing pep band music on the monstrosities of mouthpieces I use in a classical setting. So... went to The Windsmith (a.k.a. the best music place in San Diego) and got meself a brand new Shilke 14A4. Lets me pick of the high C with ease now. Also looking forward to Friday's pep rally, since I get to play in that too.
Math - Creswell won't be there on Friday... what to do? I might go to Ponsford to catch up on what history I'll be missing on Friday for pep rally preparation... My only other option really is to just sit around and do nothing for 30-and-change minutes.
Gathering is on Retreat right now. Hope that they're all enjoying a safe and fun trip right now!
That's about it... Other than feeling "eh," as usual these days. Although a friend of mine from Stanford Summer EPGY heard me out a little bit. That was definitely welcome relief... Sometimes you just need to get things off your chest, and you just need an open and empty ear to listen.
I might have something interesting tomorrow; who knows...